chapter 16: beach breezes

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It had been a week almost and summer was still theoretically here. The beach was open, and it was a Saturday. Of course you all took the chance and left almost instantly.

"Come on sans ya gotta get in the ocean!"you quietly yelled from the back of the car. "Kid id get in if the sun wasnt there. I've never had skin but I know the pale people burn. And I'm pale." You scoffed and chuckled. "Well that why we packed sunscreen." You put your hand in a bag and grabbed it.

You and sans argued about why the ocean wasnt an option if the sun was there. And he won. You slouched in your seat and let out an aggregated breath.

The car pulled to a stop and you were there. Everyone piled out
Of moms car and paps who carried the others. "Uh kid, why are people starin?" You looked around EVERY SINGLE girl was just looking at him. "I think it's because they think your hot?" He just shrugged and chuckled. You all walked to the water and sans just sat in the sand.

You ran in and jumped waves. Despite it being cold in the water, you kept getting deeper until you jad to stand on your toes to stay above water. You backed a little to ensure safety.

"BOO!" Someone yelled scaring the crap outta you. "What the He--" you cut off while getting salt water in your mouth. you gag was horrible  "GAH!" You choked on words. Sans who scared you was crying of laughter. "Haha verry funny." You said while looking away.

"Aww don't be so SALTY." he made a pun and you held your breath and went underwater.
A slight feeling of being lifted out was enough to make you open your eyes. You were floating about 5 feet above the water with the aura around you. "Hey let me down!" You said while looking down at him. "Kid your so salty if I threw you into a lake it'd turn into an ocean." You face palmed and attempted to get down but to no avail.

A few beach goers would stare at you and sans, but you thought nothing of it until one ran to sand and started 'flirting' with him. He was back off but she'd follow. "Hey lady I don't think you have the right perso-" the girl put her.finger over his mouth. "Aw don't be silly sexy..." she was trying to get to sans, but was failing horribly. By this point he had let you down. The slight breeze would make you a bit colder, but not too much.

Sans was looking aggregated, irritated, and purely pissed. "ok lady I'd like it if you L.E.F.T" his eye glowing a dark cyan blue, and occasionally would skip in a glitch way. She finally left and the rest of the day would only get even more weird.

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