chapter 26: echoes

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Chara looked at you. She seemed like she was mad, but confused.
Asriel had already ran to hug her and was still doing so.

"(Y/N) you didn't tell me... that I died!" She yelled Loud enough for you to get the message. "Chara, it's not what it looks like!

"Oh so azzy being a human I'd normal?! (Y/n) tell me what happened."

The door opened and there stood sans. "Ok chara no need to be chilled to the bone about it." Sans said while laughing.

"Shut the hell up." Chara spat at him. " Nah I'm good, I have every right to talk." He said while nagging her on.

She glared at him. "Sans stop, your just making her angry."
He let out a low growl. "I'm still not gonna apologize, not after what she's done to all of us."

"I know and you have every right to be angry, but let's just forget that for now.' you begged with puppy eyes.

"Fine... but-" "no no buts! I you stopped Him before he could say much.

Asriel stood up and ran out of the room. "Azzy?!" He ran back in with mom.

It was a crying hugging mess. Kinda cute considering her past.

It was Fall. It was quiet for the most part, despite the rain on its way agian.

The echo of the thunder rang from nearby. You jumped and ran out of your room. Chara was in there already just looking around.

You flung your whole body over the couch and tackled her in a hug. "CHEESE FUCKING CRACKERS!" she yelled while slapping you. You rubbed your cheek.

"Oh sorry (Y/N) you... scared me. Heh.'

You let go of her and attempted to sleep. It worked.
"Play song*

It was judgement hall
Once again.
You felt something moving your hands.
Sans stood there just blankly looking at you.
He shot an attack at you.
You moved
He threw more.
They all hit you.
Your voice couldn't be herd.
You died...
And there was one button
You pushed it.
And fell.
You hit the ground and a pain shot in your legs
You had fallen.
But there were no flowers.
And it wasn't even YOU anymore
But someone.
They screamed in pain.
It was chara.
Her cries echoed through the ruins.

You opened your eyes slowly. It was dark out. You were in your room. you sat up and looked over. Chara and Asriel were sleeping and sans was awake?

"Oh Sup kiddo..." he seemed to slur words. "Go to sleep... I'll keep watch for now sans."

He instantly took the offer.

"Oh now seems he fallen for the REST of the night." You  chuckled at your pun and kept looking at nothing.

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