chapter 30: inks and errors

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"kid you drew this the first time you fell. How the hell did it get here!?" Sans said in a loud whisper. "I- I don't know!' you said with a slight crack in your voice.

"...'sigh' fine, we don't have time to worry about this at the Moment, once we get home, we can talk." He spoke with frustration

You nodded and hid the picture.  "Hey I'm going to go outside ok?" You said while opening the door and grabbing a coat. The door shutting was muffled by sounds of wind. "oH YoUR HEre AlREadY? wELl I DoNT MinD IT MaKes MY Job FASTer." You saw blue stings come at you. You attempted to move but one grabbed your foot. Your soul floated out if your body and blue strings wrapped around it.

You couldn't move. You looked at the thing grabbing you. It was sans, but not sans? He tugged on one of the strings and it tightened on your soul. "Who the hell are you?!" You yelled trying to pull away, but to no avail.

"NaMEs ErrOR NiCE To MEEt Ya." He said with a chuckle. "Let me go!" You said while attempting to get your soul back.

"Ok DOnt PIss Me OFF, I cAn KiLL YOu RIght HerE." You stopped moving and felt tears freezing to your cheeks.

"GooD, NOw LEts KeEP TaLKiNg, BUt NOt here." He said while teleporting to a black void

Before you could even think about moving, you were strung up by those blue wires. "OK LeTS ChaT." He said with a low chuckle.

Your body shivered in fear. "Ok You HaVE RESET MoRE ThaN 1,000 TiMES, And NOw Your JUst A DiRTY GLITCH In tHe CoDE." He looked up at you. "Just. . .please let me go home... I don't wanna die." You said feeling tears form in your eyes. "YoU WonT 'Die', BuT bEinG ERasEd ISN'T ALl THAt FUN EithER." He tightens the grip on your body.

Your soul started to drift away from you and headed to him. He grabbed it and looked at it. "sO YoU HaVe A (F/C) SOul?" He examined it a bit more and tightened the grip on it sending a pain in your chest.

"Let her go error!" A voice rang out from the darkness. ".ShIT." was all he said. "OK JUSt WaIT RiGHT HEre." He said with a glitched laughing.

Hours had passed, your body ached and you chest hurt even more. You saw a figure approaching from the darkness. There wasn't much you could do so you closed your eyes and waited to hear errors glitched voice.

"Hey are you ok? Did he hurt you?"some soft voice spoke. Your eyes opened and you saw someone similar to error. But not glitched. "My name's ink." He had a gentle from on his face. The strings evaporated and you landed to the floor. Your soul flew back into your body and you looked at him before hugging him. He hesitated but hugged back

"I'm going to take you back to your timeline ok?" He said. You nodded quickly.

It didn't take long, and you were home oitside if the old house. You ran back inside after waving by to ink.

"So ya met error? Neato..." sans said with a seemingly mad tone.

You ran to him and hugged him. "I'm so sorry."

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