chapter 33: conversation

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You trudged up the stairs about an hour after those people left.

"Hey echo!" You herd asriel say giggly.

"Hey." you replied trying to sound more awake.

"Oh hey (Y/N) your up? Neat, I was about to come get ya up myself." You herd chara say from behind you.

You flung your body around forgetting that she wants THAT person anymore

"Geese, didn't mean to scare you."
She said while taking a step back.

"Oh uh sorry, you scared me." You said while rubbing your head

"So we need you to follow us! We want to show you something!" Asriel said while flailing his arms around.

You sighed and were practically drug back down the stairs. Your looked at sans while being drug away in a face of 'Why me' you herd him chuckle before the door was shut by chara.

"So now 'echo' let's talk." Chara said while putting an emphasis on your nickname.

"Yeah?" You responded while flopping all the was to the ground.

"Azzy told me about how I was.... not me." Those words sunk your heart.

"W-what do Ya mean?' you said turning a but Shakey

"You and trash bag know what I'm talking about. So don't play games with me." She got a bit more irritated.

You sat up regretting not doing this sooner.

You patted the ground and both took a seat.

A long time ago a human
Fell into the underground
Injured by her fall she yelled for help.
Her cries were herd by a monster child and she was taken back to his home.

The family welcomed the child as their own. The son and the child were best friends and brother and sister.

One day the human got sick.
She had eaten buttercups.
Soon after the human died.
The son took the human soul and went to the surface.

But he died as well.
The adopted child was no longer 'alive'

But one day a human fell with DETERMINATION.

The human loved this new world. To them it was a wonderful place. They wanted to keep doing it over and over agian.

So they did.
They thought no one knew it. Bit one monster did.
But one reset the human meet someone new.

The name was chara. She seemed nice, but instead caused a genocide play through

But the human fixed it.

This human was called


Chara and Asriel were looking at you in amazement.

"(Y/N) you realize that that'd on the past-"

"No its not. I could reset right now and fucking relive all of this agian. It will never end. It just wont.  No matter what I try. I love this time and seeing it end because of me fucking with codes and killing other AU's because of it. I could reset and no one but sans and flowey would know. And even if I did reset, it'd be another add on to a glitch. I'm just here to keep it together. I can't be happy in this time. I've been close to death so many times, but have always lived. Bit what if one day I die. And reset it ALL. All these memories, all this progress. And it's not like I can stop it." You said while feeling tears dripping off your cheeks.

"Now kiddo, of you died and reset, i wouldn't be mad. I'd be happy to have a friend back."

You stood up slowly and hugged sans who probably walked out Durning your little speech.

"Look I know this time won't last forever and I know sooner or later it'll be reset, but either way it'll still be your friends and family." he said while you pulled away from the hug.

"S-sans... Asriel
Chara... when I die. IF I die. Don't let me take away your happy ending ok?" You said while looking at the ground.


So hey guys  Emily here and I want to thank you all so much for 900+ views! I can't wait for the 1k milestone! When hit there will be a VERY long chapter and I hope you will all enjoy it! So I normally dont have author notes and all but I just want to say

No this book is not over. Not close hardly.

50 chapters in this book total and then a second book to followup

Afterwards I'll be free. And I will ask for request on other books that I can draft and later publish. So if any ideas at the Moment, leave it in the comments below!

See ya!!!

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