chapter 50: Cuts and bruises

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You soon found yourself hugging back weakly.

You pulled away from the hug and wiped your eyes

"Heh.. I forgot that I was free.." you said slightly.
He put on a weak smile.

"I'm gonna go tell ink that we need to head home... I kinda left without telling anyone... and they were still upset about what happened to you. But I didn't say the full story."

You nodded and sans stood up to go get ink.

You closed your eyes tightly. You despised the Feeling of being teleported.

The wave of dizziness hit you like a brick. "Oh that's weird." You said while holding back the puke.

Finally you felt the floor.

It was your room.
"Thank you ink." You said while he jumped back in the portal.

"Ready to go see 'em again?"
You took in a deep breath and nodded.

The stairs creaked under your feet. Everyone seemed... different... depressed to a degree.

"What did I miss?" You said while holding back the sprint hug.

Everyone turned to you and sans.
It was dead quiet. Everyone seemed stuck in place.

"(Y/N)!!! SANS!!!" they all yelled out pretty much making you lose all capability of hearing I'm tge future.

You found yourself in a tight hug within a second. Considering what had happened not too long ago, the hug hurt. You looked up at sans in hopes of help.

"Ok, ok, look I know you a missed us, but let the kiddo go get some rest. They've been through a lot."

Everyone let loose of you both and Asriel and chara helped you up the stairs, but seemed to have tears staining their cheeks. Did they miss you that much?

You made it to your room and they jumped in the bed with you. After all that's what siblings do. They pulled you into a loose but meaningful hug.

You closed your eyes and fell asleep.

"We made it."


"Sans... i just want you to know that this is the true timeline."

"You said that a couple timelines ago. And look where it got me last time."


"Nah, it's ok I trust ya. I'm just hoping that this is true."

"It is."


"Sans... don't worry."

"I'm not."

"Sans I...."

You slowly opened your eyes. Asriel and chara were still sleeping so you carefully got out of bed.

You didn't want to walk down the 18 stairs you had, so you got on your stomach and slid down them.

"HELLO HUMAN!" paps yelled while hugging you.

"Hey pap." you responded softly

You went back on your quest to get food which you hadn't had for DAYS.

Making your way to the fridge you grabbed pie, spaghetti, a hot cat, and water. Threw the hot cat and spaghetti in the microwave and started it, and  put the pie down and smashed your face into it and ate it.

At that moment in time you didn't care how hoggish you looked. You were starving.

The microwave beeped and you took the stuff out.

You pretty much didn't even breathe when you ate.

Finally your breakfast was over and you sluggishly walked over to the couch.

"Sup kiddo."

"The sky." You said while flopping onto the couch

"Pfft oh wow." he said while looking at you.

You chuckled and looked at your wrists. They had a red mark showing where the strings were. You sighed.

"Sans, I know taking the bullet for you was right. I didn't wanna see you die."

"I-... can we not talk about this?" He said trying to change the subject.

You nodded and looked down.
"Wait... this whole FRIGGIN TIME I WAS GONE, DID I NOT HAVE SHOES?!" you yelled out while looking at sans.

He started dieing if laughter.
You looked back at your feet.
"I mean not even a sock?!" You said while looking up again.

Sans was turning his usual shade of blue when he laughed.
He took in a breath and wiped a fake tear.

"Ok kid, just... you say that you won't ever reset right?"


"Do you mean it?"

" Sans I told you this... I promise."

And wow, the end of book one.. to be honest, this support was greater than I could have ever imagined... so im gonna take a few days off so I can get a couple of breaks, then I'll start book two!

So until next time!

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