chapter 18: Geno memory

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You hugged sans tighter and continued to cry. You kept repeating "I'm sorry" over and over agian. "Kid your having a breakdown, it's ok were all fine."
Sand hugged back trying to comfort you. You gripped his Jacket and and tried to breathe. Your breaths would get cut off by sobs, but you managed.

"Im- so-so s-s-sorry." Tears kept Falling and the more that fell the more tired you got. "I'm so sorry..." you said while closing your eyes. "There ya go kid, go to sleep. I'll stay here tonight."

You woke up still hugging sans. He was asleep. You stood up and grabbed some water. While drinking it, you got strangled by it. You coughed and woke up sans. You couldn't breath and you kept coughing. He ran over to you and patted your back which helped. You got a breath of air and coughed once more. "Thanks." You said while looking at him. "No problem." He smiled kindly. Your eyes teared up agian as you thought about that memory agian. You quickly wiped your eyes with your sleeve
And smiled agian. "Feeling better?" He asked while looking at you. "No and yes." Was all you said back. "Hmm... well kid, let's have a chat about that time if your ok with it. Maybe it'll help."

You walked back to the couch and felt yourself tense up. "So how bout ya tell me the story and we'll go from there." "Ok... so I fell down after my reset. Finally something had changed, there was a translucent girl...chara as I soon found out. I greeted her with a smile and wave. She said that she could help me have a new ending. So I accepted. She just laughed and I saw black ooze creeping up my body. I couldn't move and soon it went black. I had no control at that point. I saw everything, she killed mom, pap, undyne, everyone. But when she got to you that move you did where you threw me up and down. I was in control. She made me feel the pain. When i spared you I finally thought I could win that sick game she was playing. But you... killed me instead. So after a couple more times she hit you. And you died. I tried to keep calm and fight ber control so I could quit and reset, but I failed. She made me kill everyone that was left. That meant I killed flowey and Asgore. After that I reset and she followed in this timeline." You finished with tears falling off your face. "Its ok kid your safe. I Promise." You looked at him and hugged him. "I know... but what if I mess up agian?"

"You won't. Just try not to and it'll work." He rubbed the top of your head. "Yeah..." you looked down at the ground and went quiet.
You felt hands wrap around you. "It's ok. Your safe. We'll get chara and kill her."

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