chapter 40: *ERROR◻◼◽⬜⬛

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You felt something grip your ankle.

And then your arms, and then cover your mouth.

You looked around frantically for ANYTHING, or ANYONE.

But found nothing.

You let out a muffled scream. In a couple of seconds sans bursted through the door while managing to break the hinges off as well.

He looked at you but before anything could happen. You were back in that old void. Strung up, but with a tighter grip.

"NoW ThAT YoUr HeRE LeT The FuN BEgIN."

Each passing second the grip on your body would get tighter.

You let out a choked gasp. He herd it and laughed.

"" you said slowly.

The grip got tighter. Your skin was burning.

Without warning he stabbed you in the chest with an attack. You let out a choked yell. You started coughing up blood. Until you felt numb on your torso. You herd the slight dripping sounds hitting the floor.

Error smiled. He ripped your soul from your chest with little effort. It left another crack.

"Aw sUCH LiTTLe EFFORT?" He said while stringing your soul up as well

*You feel... nothing.
You feel...lost.*

You glanced at him. "P...leas....e" you felt your arms grow numb.

For a second you felt the grip loosen. ".... ShUT Up."

You did as told. "I'm sorry sans."
You said to yourself.

Error had been gone for more than 2 hours. You looked down at the once pure black floor, but now saw red puddles.

The strings holding you up evaporated and you fell to the floor with a loud thud. You couldn't move so you layed there motionless.

You herd error walking up behind you. He tapped you with his foot. "YOUR Not DeAd. DOnt ACt LiKe It." He said while crouching down.

"I'd....rather be."you said quietly

He looked at you and grumbled something.

Yet agian he strung you up.

"Did....did you have a papyrus?" You said while putting in a hurting smile.


You looked down.


*Error (code 136891)
The book your reading has gone through a ⬜◼◼◻◼◻◽◽*

" LeTS JUST SaY...

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