chapter twleve: Hell and back

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A light was surrounding Flowey and it was growing, but faded away. "Uhh echo? What happened, I can feel my hands again." A child's voice rang through your ears.
"Asriel? My child is that y-you?"  Mom choked on her words. You opened your eyes and there sat Asriel on the table. Mom just stared at him, but after what seemed like seconds she pulled him into a hug. He hugged back and mom was rubbing her hands on his head. "My child I've missed you so much."  Mom whispered through her quiet crying.


A loud beep filled your ears and with a groan you stumbled into your slippers. 'Ugh, its Tuesday... *cough*" you said with a harsh cough. It soon turned into a coughing fit and a few specks of blood on your hand. you herd sans moving and you stopped coughing and ran downstairs and quickly gargled water. When you spit it out it was a shade of pinkish red. Mom walked in and must have seen something wrong. She rushed to you and felt your face. "My child your burning up!" She said wile grabbing you hands.

"Heey "ECHO" how's it been going?" The old demented voice played in your head. Despite that you asked mom if you could stay here for today. She nodded and you ran to your room. You eyes seemed to force shut and you fell into a black darkness.

"What do you want chara?" you said while seeking a red outline of a kid
"Aww nothing much, just wanted to Say hi. Also you herd sans talk about his machine? He's LYING to you if you do anything with that it will kill ya. And before you decline it look." An image showed up of sans talking to Alphys and these words. "Just don't tell her it'll happen m'kay?" It looked just like him, but you had a feeling it was fake.

"I'm not falling for your tricks." You said sternly. "Aw too bad, I'm in control NOW."
She flew to you and entered your body. You couldn't move. You saw an image of 'your vision. She was running to the kitchen, she grabbed a knife and snuck back to the room. "Wakey wakey smiley trash bag." She said wile waking up sans. He opened his eyes and one instantly turned blue. She attempted to hit him, but he dodged. Your soul turned blue and he held you while waking Asriel.
He turned back to you and hit you with an attack, but realised that if he killed you you'd reset. "Kid don't know what happened, but come back...please."

And that's when it went black.

Sans POV. (Lol wut)

I couldn't hurt her. She wasn't there I could tell. It wasn't her anymore and I needed to keep her safe. Her eyes were red with a hint of (eye color) and I knew what was happening. Despite the fact I hated chara I needed to keep calm. I teleported to Alphys with chara still a few feet away from me.

"S-sans what's wrong?" Alphys spoke with her normal stuttering. Before I could even speak the demon spoke up. "Oohh, the scientists. Neato! Two people I can kill!" Chara said with a demonic laugh, but I herd something else. She spoke again "hey smiley trash bag help sans! What would you do if I killed papyrus NO! Would you be mad?" (Y/N) was still there and I could hear the slight echo of her voice between chara.

"S-sans there's not much we can do but take the knife and keep her in a cell." I did what she said and tore the knife out of her hands with my magic. Alphys opened a cell and I put her in and slammed the door instantly with my magic.

"You can't keep me in here forever sans." She said while smiling. "I can and I will if I have to."

Normal pov*

You couldn't move or control anything. You only saw continue or reset. Every time it showed you'd pick continue. With a sigh you looked back at the vision of 'your' vision. Chara was pacing around the cell. "Chara please let me have control... I'll do anything!" You said while punching the vision and your hand gliding through it. "
"Anything? Would you-" "and I won't kill anyone either." She stayed quiet and you sat down. "Fine for now. But unless your more prepared, I'll kill everyone." She gave you control and your vision fogged as you got used to being physical again.

"Sans are you here?" You said wile looking around. "Kid is that you?" He said while walking to your cell. You nodded and he opened the door. You hugged him and felt your eyes closing for some reason. As you were consumed by sleep, you felt gentle hands grab you.


Hoydy pal! How do you like ME having control?
I don't not at all. You replied with a slight monotone and empty voice.
Aww, don't feel bad, I didn't kill anyone yet! She said while laughing
But you tried to! You snapped back
"...*sigh* fine I won't terrorize you tonight. She said while fading away
YOUR NO FUn ANYways. The last words faintly eligible to hear.

So short chapter right reader~chan?

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