chapter 31: numb

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About a week had passed. You were all still underground, but when you met error, your soul was forever indented with a crack. Your hp at 20.5 and you defense had dropped to a low 10.1

You tried to hide it, but sans knew about it despite your efforts. He would constantly pace back and forth when he thought about error in this dimension.

You'd stay in your room afraid of error coming back. You'd draw, sing, and sometimes look at your soul trying to fix it, but you never talk to anyone about what happened. You kept your personality, bit hide your fear like some scared child would.

You'd still leave your room, but only when asked. You could say you felt numb.

And when you'd laugh, it felt real! So real! Like you were existing and meant something. But you really were just a dirty glitch in the code... you always had been.

Errors words still  engraved in your mind.
But you tried to forget.

Your eyes slipping open in a fast way. The feeling of air brushing your hair in several ways. Then the feeling of something wrapped around you

You looked at the thing and there were blue strings around your chest and stomach.

"DIdjA THINK ThAt I Was GoNE? HaHaHaHaHA. You DIRtY GlItcH."

The echoed silence replaced with glitched words. His words. You shivered at his words and attempted to move.

It didn't work, all it did was tighten the blue stings holding you. You let out a choked gasp in an attempt to get enough air. "Tsk tsk tsk... GlITCheS SHoulDNt BREaTHe. WeLL ONlY SOMe."

He made the grip tighter. You couldn't even let out a gasp. Your blood was cutting off and breathing felt like you were gaining no air at all.

You felt your life slipping away from your grasp despite your efforts to hold on to it.

But it was slipping away too quickly. Your vision was blurred and your lungs hurt. There was a cracking sound, and then the sudden pains in your chest. Like your soul and ribs were crushed. You let out a choked yelp.

"Good JOb At HOlDIng ON To LIfe. BUT We DOnt LET GlITCheS KEEp THat." His words faintly slipping into slight slurs.

The grip was tighter. It felt like it was cutting you in half. You couldn't hold on much longer. You looked at your hp. 0.5.

It faded away as you pushed act.

*You choked for help.


Somebody came.*

Sans himself walked out of darkness. His shoes u see the floor sending an echo in the void.

"Hey error, nice ta see ya agian fucker." Sans said while the strings turned a light blue and faded away

You were teleported over to sans. The sudden rush of air in your lungs was plentiful.

"Oh ITs YOU... FuCK. WeLL I DiDNT bEAT INk DOubt ILL BEaT yOU. So ILl CaLL IT A tIE... FOr now." He said while slipping away from the void.

"Kiddo you'll be fine.... its ok... your mom will heal ya up ok?"

He looked at you strange
"She can't know ... of she does... I'll be in trouble. "

You grilled tour chest feeling the pain of your broken ribs.

"Then who's gonna heal ya?"
You looked at him and chuckled. He caught on to it.
"Well first we gotta get home ok?"

You nodded and swear you felt your hp drop. Before leaving you checked


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