chapter 45: Torture

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He stabbed you with an attack. It pinned you to the ground. Blood poured out of you torso. And out if your mouth.

You choked for air. his smile widened.

"nOw I EXpEct YoU TO KEEp QuIeT." He said while tiying you down. The attack still stabbed through you. He walked over to your soul and looked back at you.

He summoned a string and shot it through your soul. It left a small crack as far a you could tell.

You yelled in pain and moved, causing the now hole through your torso you hurt even more.

"ShH. No NoiSEs." He smiled while throwing an attack at you. It stabbed your arm. You held in your scream and flinched as little as possible

You took in a Shakey breath and couches up blood in the process.
He looked at you with his head tilted a bit.

He walked to you and crouched down. He made the strings vanish and the attack disappear.

You saw black translucent magic cover your torso. A pain, a stinging pain shot through your body.

"I RECoMMenD ThaT YoU DONT mOVE." He said while looking at you.

You didn't move a muscle.

After he healed you, he grabbed you with strings and drug you closer to your soul. Only then, did he tie you up.

"NoW BE a GooD PUPPeT AND dONT GO anYwherE." He said while teleporting into a rip in the void.

"Bastard." You mumbled.

You felt tired, so tired. Your eyes were heavy and slowly closing.
You were consumed in sleep.
"Hey sans catch!" You yelled while throwing the ball.Hey sans catch!" You yelled while throwing the ball.

It was summer and the air was so perfect! You took in a breath and threw the ball. He caught it with one hand and threw it back. You missed it and it landed n the woods.

"I got it!" You yelled while running into the trees.

"Where did it go? I saw it land here... Hmm."
*knowing that the ball is nearby Fills you with determination*

You didn't wait any longer to wake yourself. You felt a warm liquid on your cheeks.

You realised how much you missed everyone. How much they probably missed you.

You had been gone for a few days now, and you hadn't even thought of how it affected them. But you sure did know how those few days felt like years. You'd have the scars to prove it.

You attempted to wipe your cheeks, but couldn't break the grip of the strings.

Error had won it seemed. You were defenceless against him. You didn't Even have a soul at the moment.

But that thought was in the back of your mind. What you were wondering was how you'd get out. Or if this was the end of your timeline.

It had survived thousands of resets, and yet this timeline had been the only one that hadn't been reset almost instantly after getting above ground.

This was the only timeline when sans was genuinely Happy, and the only timeline that everything was going smoothly.

But now, it hadn't been the best. You were tired of being trapped. Alone. It was quiet, but not in the soothing silence. The silence that would make you go half insane if left for a period of time.

And error had been gone for a while. Its not that you wanted him here, but you didn't want to be alone either.

You had no choice it to accept it for what it was

And to say the least, you just wanted to go home. To be tucked I'm by mom, to tell puns with sans, to cook with undyne and papyrus, to sing with Mettaton, to help alphys, to see cassie, to play with Asriel and chara, and just be with everyone

You Just wanted to go back. It hurt knowing that at the moment there was no way out.

You just wanted to see everyone and have everything go back to normal.

Your chest hurt. And not in the way if pain. In a way of sadness flowing through your body.

Colliding into a pool if emotions, and scattering everywhere. You just wanted something.

Even Just a little hug.

Or one simple "it's ok."

Or... a simple wave from someone that you cared for

Just something more than this.

More than darkness.


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