chapter six

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JESUS TITS! You yelled while falling back

Your breathing was rapid, but you gained your composure and stood up. "What the crap?!" You yelled while looking at them

"Don't ya know kid? It's the 4th year on the surface!" Sans said while smiling. "What?! Already!" You said happily

'but I don't have the present ready for all you yet." You said while looking down. "Ah it's ok kid, we can wait." You smiled at sans and walked over into the group.

6:00 pm

Temmie walked in and you greeted her with a smile and a wave. "HOI! Temmie sell fud for hooman and monsters!" She said while putting her box on the floor and sitting in it.

You payed for some tem flakes and despite them being cardboard they made the room move a bit. " Wow heh, not that bad?" You said confused. You payed for about 10 or 15 and walked around snacking on them.

The room would get fuzzy sometimes and you'd get dizzy. But you finished the cardboard and sat down

6:30 pm

The room spun sometimes but you didn't mind. *Ring ring* your phone went of and you picked it up

"Hello?" "Hey (Y/N), it's Cassidy!" She said happily you talked for a bit and she had to leave. The room slowly got dark as your eyes blinked slowly. Finally they shut and you fell asleep.

*Yawn* you looked up and saw the clock. 5:00. Everyone was still here but sleeping. You had to just simply sit there. But after a while it got boring mad you went  for a tiny walk

The breeze would blow your hair, and sometimes send a chill down your spine. But it felt perfect and you kept waking, but in your trance you forgot what roads you took.

"Uhh...where did I turn..." you said scared. You turned around and started to walk down uncharted roads. You mad with to a reservation of some type and it had a map. You had a sigh of relief and looked at it.

Trying to find where you were was hard considering you weren't the beat at mapping. It took a bot but you found the roads home.

You stepped on your doorstep entrance and passed out thanks to being exhausted.


You woke up with a yawn and looked around. You were in your room and tucked in. You stood up and went to check the time
You looked confused as you looked at the clock.  You didnt have school, but was confused either way.

"Why do you look so
C O N F U S E D?

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