chapter 19: the plan

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You looked up at him "but how would we do it?" "Uhh haven't gotten that far yet." He said with a chuckle.

You groaned. "Ya feeling better kiddo?" He asked while looking at the TV. "A bit, but I'll feel a lot better when she's gone." You said while looking down. "But how do you kill something that doesn't have a soul nor a body?" You said while looking at nothing. " Ya give it a body with a soul... and kill em both." Your eyes widened. "WHAT?!" you yelled while smacking your hand into a table in front ot you.

"Well ya asked how, I just answered." He said while pulling his hood on his head. "I don't know anyone willing to do that though." You looked at sans with a frown. He nodded.

"Maybe alphys could help us." He looked down at you. "She made the other kid a child." He said with a chuckle. "You GOAT to be KIDding me." You both had a chuckle about it and went back to being serious. "Well it's gonna be hard to trick her. Cuz ya know she is kinda me." You said with a groan

He just looked at you confused. "When she chooses a host to take, she becomes that person, but has no power to overcome then until the host is weak." You said trying to sound smart. He nodded. "So what your saying is we need to find a host with low HP. "Yeah."

"Well it's not you anymore, so that outta the question." You said while looking at sans. "Heh, yeah true." "And even if it was you, I wouldn't let ya die!" You said while hugging him. He smiled and chuckled.

He turned the TV on and it was on the news. "Greetings fellow viewers, we will be experiencing a storm coming from the north of mt.Ebott. you looked at sans while was still just listening. There was a loud crack echoing in your ears and then the power went out.

You tackled sans In a hug scared of anything to do with thunder or lightning. Everyone walked out of their rooms and walked in the front room looking at you. "I'm scared of storms." You muffled behind sans' jacket. You herd them either pull a chair up, sit on the floor, or the few spots on the couch. "Ah punk you'll be ok!" Undyne reassured you. You still didnt let go of sans.

"no!" You quietly yelled making harder to hear thanks to the muffed taking. "Kid your fine." He said while attempting to pull you off. You didn't let go still.
"No ill never- CRRRRAACCCCK"
Another sound of thunder echoed even louder causing you to hug tighter and shiver.

"..." the room was quiet and so you pulled away from sans looking at everyone. They were just watching the rain drops fall down in a fast pace. It was kinda peaceful. And you could go for a nap, not like sans wouldn't do also

You leaned over on sans and close your eyes listening to the dripping sounds of rain hitting the roof. The thunder had died down a tiny bit and you soon feel into sleep.
Pain, horrible pain shooting in your spine. You couldn't stand but you looked to see chara holding a bloody knife.
So you were going to try and ERASE me...heheheh.
N-NO... please.
Ah dont worry you have more HP. But we need to fix that so I can have full control.
Another pain shot through your back. You HP dropped agian. 10 to 5,4,3. Your vision clouded as it drooped to 2. Still more pain.
But you woke up
You jumped up and ran to the bathroom checking your back. Red gashes trailing down your back. You HP was on 2 and there was blood on your hands.
"fuck me.'

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