chapter 48: Real Battle

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You layed there. Blood still coming out of your chest. You looked to see everyone still fighting. Error wasnt even trying and you knew it.

"Psst, hey kid." You herd a voice similar to paps from behind you.

You slowly rolled your head to face him. Orange jacket, looked like pap, sounded like pap.

"Kid what's your hp? I can't check, error will know."

You checked, and you would have screamed if you had the energy to do so.

"0.05 out of 20.5" you forced out

He stopped for a second. "Shit... do you have any healing items?"
You rolled tour head side to side stating no.

He looked over to your soul.

"Kid this might hurt, but what ever you do DON'T yell." He said while picking you up.

You held in your scream.
He quietly walked over to your soul and put you beside it.

You slowly reached out to it. It was fighting against the strings

You toughed it slightly and it faded out of the strings and into your hand. It seemed... different. It was no longer a bright pretty (F/C) it was faded.

You absorbed it with what little energy you had left.

"Kid, stay here and don't be loud ok. I gotta go help." Pap? Said while running back into battle.

You layed there quietly taking in slow breaths. Your hp was slowly getting higher.

You looked at your arms. They were pale, unusual for that to happen.

"..." you clenched your fist as hard as you could. It barely moved.

You looked over to see sans and error throwing attacks left and right as everyone else tried not to hit sans in his rage.

He quickly tore his eyes away from error and looked at you. He seemed to get saddened, then pissed.

Turning his attention back to error. he quickly dodged an attack coming his way.

"S...sans...don't...give...up." you said quietly. You could no longer feel your arms and feet.

"No...No.....No. . . no." You repeated attempting to move your arms and legs.

*◼⬛⬜⬛◼ ⬜⬛ ⬜⬛◼ ⬜⬛◼⬛ ⬜⬛
  Child.   Do. Not. Give.   Up*

Your breathing hitched for a moment.

You forced yourself into a sitting position. Then you tried to stand.

You stood up. If felt good to have control of your own body again.
Averting tour attention to the battle, you felt your world collapse

Sans was being held by errors strings. And error was keeping everyone from helping him out.

And by the looks of it... he was preparing to kill sans... he was creating an attack.

You felt the world go slow.
You ran as fast as you could to sans. And jumped in front of the attack as it Shot.

It stabbed you. Everyone went quiet. Even error. You fell back onto the floor with a thud.

"K-kid." You herd sans say from beside you. You slowly looked over. Error was trapped. But sans. He was crying. And you were dieing. You felt your hands and feet go pixelated and scattering slowly

"S-sans... I'm not gonna reset... i told you that I'd never do that. I don't intend to either, b-but... if I die...I'm sorry... just...tell them you tried."

"Kid no. No. Your not gonna die not here." He was attempting to heal you.

The blue aura surrounded you.

SOMEONE FUCKING HELP." he yelled out. You saw ink rush over and help as much as he could.


" NO. don't give up! Please don't give up! We've made it to far to go back!"

"'s ok... I won't reset.... I......⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜.

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