chapter seven

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Why do you look so

You stumbled back with a tiny yelp. "Ah, dont worry... I'm just keeping an eye on you. After all it's rude to talk about someone who's listing." You eyes filled with fear.

He disappeared and sans walked in. "Kid you alright?" He said while leaning on a wall. "Uh, yeah." You said while walking your puppy up.

He left and you followed him. He went into some kind of cellar the steps made a creaking sound so you walked right behind him.

He opened a door with a passcode. •3902• . You peeked in and saw him building something. You stayed quiet and tried to walk away.

The board creaking under your feet giving you away. Your soul turned blue and you flew back.
"GAH!" You yelled while hitting the floor. "Kid you shouldn't have  been down here. His pupils completely black.

You were too scared to do anything. He hit you with one attack of his. It lowered your HP from 30 to 15. You had tears in your eyes and you stood and ran to your room.

Despite the loud knocking and voices at your door. You didn't open it. "Hey punk open up!" You herd undyne muffled behind the door. You didn't say anything.

You herd everyone but sans. You got tired of the knocking and opened the door. You lied saying that you had headphones on. Mom told you lunch was ready and you walked with them to eat.

There was only one seat left. Beside sans. You hesitated bit sat down. A soon as you did he teleported away. You felt heartbroken.

Sorry sans. You said to yourself.

Normally don't have these things

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