chapter four

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The bell rang and class was dismissed
You found your locker and put in the combination. Searching through your book bag, you found your lunch.  You grabbed your math notebook and put it in your locker. The loud talking of other kids was new, but it felt nice to see others.

"Hey dork!" A girl yelled while shoving you into the lockers.
You stayed quiet, but had fear in your eyes. "Answer me or I'm gonna punch you!" Her prissy voice said. You get agian stayed quiet. She swung at you but you caught her fist and pushed her to the ground.

You put your hands over your mouth in shock on what's you did. "I-im so sorry!" You said while trying to help her up.
She took advantage of you and punched you in the face. Flinging you back into the lockers. Your head hit them and your nose was bleeding. You vision was blurry and voices kinda fogy. It was like slow motion.

You grabbed your things and ran out of school. You were lost in the middle of town... scared... and your nose still bleeding. People were staring as you walked by them. looking for anyone you knew was hard. The streets were full of people and loud sounds making your head hurt worse.

The sidewalk was clearing out a little and what stood out now was a blue coat with a fur lining. He looked like sans and you ran and hugged him. "Gosh kid!" He practically yelled. "Sans thank God I found you!" You said while hugging him tighter. "Why are you outta school?"

Your heart dropped at that point.
You looked up at him and he say your nose. "Oh... sorry kid. Let's just head home ok?" You nodded and he picked you up. You looked at him confused. " What? Do you wanna walk?" He asked
You shook your head on a 'no' way.

"Well then leta keep going"
He teleported to the house and told mom the story. "My child why did you not call me?"
"My phone was at home." You replied as she wiped the blood of your nose.

You went into your room and saw Flowey. "Hey Flowey look." You said while holding two wheels in your hands. "What?"
"It'll let you move you said while putting it on his pot
He smiled and thanked you

The rest of the day was normal. And nothing much happened.
The sun started setting and you looked at the time
You rested your head on your pillow and fell asleep.

It was nice
Everyone is happy and playing
You can't help but smile at this
The days are perfect now.
No resets
No fights
And no fear.
It's a beautiful day outside
Birds a chirping
Flowers are blooming
And on days like this
It's all just perfect
Like you wanted
And, It makes you smile.

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