chapter five

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You woke up with a tiny smile on your face. You yawned and stretched. Well, time to go back to school.

You walked out of your room and saw mom. "Hey mom." You said while hugging her. "My child sans will be taking you to school agian." "Ok mom" you said while walking over to sans he grabbed your hand and you were at school in just a few seconds

"Now kid, if you need help just call." He said while looking down at you. "I will." You said to him while smiling. The smile faded when he left.

You quietly walked to your first period class and took your seat. Kids were mumbling behind you. "Talking about me am I correct?" You said clearly irritated. The class fell quiet. "..." you sat in your chair taking out your notes from yesterday.

"Hello class, you all are having a sub until your teacher returns." the principal spoke over the silence. She moved out the way to reveal the sub...
"MOM?!" You practically yelled while running to hug her

"My child, it's nice to see you" her soft voice spoke. The class now quiet and confused.  You took your seat and put up your notes considering mom was putting on a movie.

The class went by fast it seemed and lunch was starting. Mom walked with you and took a seat beside you. You grabbed the lunch she made and started eating. You grabbed the pbj sandwich and started eating. "So mom, how long did you plan to work here?" You said with your full mouth. "Well a long time, but I could not leave you alone". You smiled at her and took another bite of your sandwich.

You finished your food and walked to the courtyard. You really didn't know anyone so you sat with mom. A couple kids walked over and said a few "hi's and "what's your name.

You mostly responded with nothing, but mom talked to them. One person caught your eye. She looked like she was self conscious. You stood up and walked to her. "Hi." You said quietly holding out your hand. She cautiously took it and you asked her name. "...i-im Cassidy." Her soft voice shook. "I'm (Y/N) you said while smiling. You took a seat one separate of each other just in case she wanted her space.

You started a friendly conversation mostly asking about hobbies. You two had a lot in common surprisingly.  You had to go to your next class. Yay electives. You walked to P.E and saw undyne there. You walked to her and gave her a high five. "So punk you ready to exercise?" You nodded with a happy look on your face.

You first had to run TEN laps and then jog three. Everyone was tired and everything hurt, But you kept tour smile and class seemed to go by quicker.

Sans wasn't at school to get you and mom had to stay late. You grabbed a map and started walking. The summer was now almost fall so a breeze would occasionally blow your hair.

You kept waking down roads and maintaining the endurance to walk. It was getting kinda late, but you managed. You arrived at the house after about a 1hour walk.

Nobody was home. not even sans or flowey. You shrugged and went to your room to start on your homework.

You flicked in the light and actually almost died.


"JESUS TITS!" You yelled while falling back.

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