Chapter Five

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Thank you for all your wonderful comments and theories and hopes! Here's the next chapter. Please enjoy and as always tell me what you think.


**| Sang's POV |**

I couldn't remember the nightmare that woke me up, which was a blessing. But I only managed to get a couple hours of sleep. The sun was in the sky now and I knew it was around midmorning.

I felt numb inside as I got up, stretched out my sore body, and then went downstairs. No one was up yet, thankfully, so I made an egg sandwich to ease the hunger pains and went back up to my room.

After closing the door and making sure it was locked, I turned on my stereo, playing a mixed CD that I put together. It held all my favorite Greek and classical music.

Vivaldi filtered through my room and I closed my eyes as the music wrapped around me and took away my concerns. I threw on some jean shorts and a t-shirt before grabbing the current book I was reading. A couple months ago, I found a list online of ninety-nine classical books with the question on top asking how many I've read. I was currently making my way through that list with forty-three of the ninety-nine read so far. I managed to get my hands on The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner and was currently trying to read it.

I had to admit, it was a difficult book to read. Faulkner wrote in a way that confused me and put my knowledge of English grammar and punctuation to the test. He played with words and grammar in a way that made it hard for me to understand as English was my second language. But overall, I was enjoying it. I loved how he was able to immerse himself into different character roles and how effectively he used stream of consciousness throughout the novel.

I settled onto the window seat, letting the warm sunlight keep me cozy as I tried to get through a couple more pages. A couple hours passed just like that, reading and keeping to myself. Dad left about an hour ago. Maria snuck out and walked down the road. I think she made a friend already who lived down that way. Diane was wandering around the house. I could hear her TV right now so she must have been back in her room.

I glanced out the window to give my eyes a break when I notice Kota standing just outside his front door. I blinked a couple of times to make sure my sight wasn't deceiving me. No, that was him alright.

A gray BMW pulled into his driveway and a boy stepped out. The boy had brown hair that fell into waves, stopping around his neck. His build was slighter than Kota's and he moved in a more refined way, his stride smooth and confident as he walked over to Kota.

They talked for a while before the boy turned to look up at my house. I nearly fell out of my seat as I ducked down, hoping they didn't see me practically spying on them. I peeked back through the window.

Kota was now pointing over in my direction as the other boy nodded. They took a couple of steps this way and my eyes widened at the thought of what they might be doing.

Please, please, don't be coming over.

They stopped and Kota said something else and the other boy shrugged. Finally they began walking towards my house.

Oh no. No, no, no.

I got up and silently went down the stairs, already aware of where all the creaking boards were in the house. I listened for my stepmother and still heard her TV. I went towards the front door and opened it just as Kota was about to ring the doorbell.

His eyes widened in surprise as I stepped outside and then closed the door behind me. They took a couple steps backwards to give me more space.

"Hello," I said, my voice stronger than it was yesterday. I glanced at the stranger and then at Kota.

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