Chapter Eight

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Quick acknowledgements to LoveAshleyNicole and  lexiloo7 for their silly comments last chapter that motivated me to get this up for you tonight. ENJOY! And as always comment and let me know what you think!


**| Sang's POV |**

The early morning light came through the window and warmed my numb body. All the lights in my room were currently on and had been throughout the entire night. My anxiety was at a new high and nothing, not reading, not writing, not humming, or singing, helped ease it. I never felt this miserable before and even the shadows in the corners of my room were scaring me.

Every time I closed my eyes, I was back in that chest and when my eyes were opened, I was waiting for my stepmother to come finish me off like she hinted at yesterday.

I was exhausted, scared, and lonely. I haven't felt lonely in so long. Yes, I've been alone but it wasn't the same as being lonely. I loved being by myself but Kota and his friends were making it harder for me to enjoy my time without any company. I was beginning to rely on their company and that scared me almost as much as going to sleep did last night.

I spent the next few hours just staring outside my window, watching cars drive by, looking for signs of life from Kota's house. Wondering what everyone was doing in that moment. I didn't want to be in this house. I mean, shouldn't a house be a safe haven, a place to go and relax and not have to worry about anything.

This house wasn't like that. This house wasn't home.

At around five in the morning, Dad had stormed out, slamming the front door, and got into his car. He squealed out of the driveway a moment later. I'm sure if our driveway were gravel, stones would have been thrown all over as he backed out. He only left like that when Diane was pretty out of it once again on pain pills. He always left really early when she was like that. He didn't like being around her. She'll most likely spend the day in her room sleeping. A nice blessing for me.

I dozed off in the window seat for just a moment but it was long enough to jerk awake when something knocked against my window. I almost fell off the seat but managed to catch myself as I looked out the window and into blue eyes. His hair was fiery red with the sun shining through it from behind.

He smiled at me and I returned the smile despite my heart pounding a mile a minute.

I unlocked the window and pushed it open.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked.

"Kota, Victor, and I are going to the mall and wanted to know if you wanted to join us."

"So you climb my window to ask?" I bit my lip as I waited for his response.

He shrugged. "Saw you up here and thought why not."

"What if you fell off?"

"I wouldn't have," he said. His head tilted to the side as he slowly looked me over. "Maybe another time? You look exhausted. Another nightmare?"

I looked over at Kota's house, spotting Victor's BMW. Kota and Victor stood by it talking and sending glances our way.

Stay here and wait for Diane to come for me again or go to the mall and take in the sites and get to know this group of friends even more.

"Sang?" Nathan asked, one if his eyebrows going up.

I refocused back on him. "I'll come, just give me a minute to get ready.

He broke out in a wide smile. "Great. Just meet us across the street."

I nodded and watched as he effectively climbed back down and made his way across the street.

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