Chapter Thirty-Six

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This was fun to write and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Everyone has given me so much to think about. Does she fall? Does Greg fall? Don't let her fall, she has enough injuries! Etc. etc. I found my answer and I think it accomplishes what I wanted to happen. Anyways, enjoy and comment! Let me know what you think.


**| Sang's POV |**

I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move or talk. All I could do was watch as a man snuck up on the boys. He lifted his right arm, a tattoo clear on his forearm. The gun in his hand fired.

"Wake up, Peanut. Please wake up."

I blinked open my eyes to see Nathan hovering over me, fear written all over his face.

"What's wrong, Honey?" I croaked, rubbing at my face.

"You were having a nightmare."

I just nodded and he frowned.

"How often do you have nightmares?"

I blinked away the sleep from my eyes trying to focus on his question. It was like climbing through cotton.

"Most nights, I think. Sometimes I don't remember them."

"That isn't normal."

I shrugged. "It's my normal."

Nathan ran his hand through his hair and looked at his phone with a frown. "We'll talk about this later. Nightmares shouldn't be something you get used to. I'm going to go home and get ready for school, see you in a little bit."

He pulled me into a hug, placing a kiss on my forehead. I turned bright red from the very intimate touch. Nathan noticed my reaction and chuckled. "You're too cute."

He opened the door and slipped out. I watched as he made his way down the street and to his house.

I got ready for school, made breakfast, and then went outside to wait for the bus. A few minutes later, Maria came out, ignoring me like usual.

Nathan came running from his house to our driveway. Kota came a few moments later.

"Good morning," Kota said. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept great. The nightlight really made a difference," I replied.

Kota's smile warmed. "I'm glad."

The ride to school went by quickly and the first half of the day seemed to match it. We went to our classes, did our work, and kept a watch out for more information on this Friday Fall that was planned to happen.

I was picking at a sandwich Kota brought for me during lunch.

"Sang baby, you need to eat," North said, noticing.

"I'm not feeling hungry." All the nerves I felt about the day zapped my appetite.

"Please, eat something," North begged.

I sighed and took a nibble, forcing the bite down my dry throat. I watched everyone. We still didn't have any information and the day was halfway over now. Maybe it wasn't going down like some of the students thought. The boys didn't seem worried about it, so many I shouldn't?

Victor looked up from the laptop he was on and caught Kota's eyes. Kota frowned and walked over, settling down on the table next to him.

I knew better than to ask what was wrong but it didn't mean I didn't like it. I was quickly learning that secrets surrounded the boys and I didn't really have the right to ask what they were since I was still keeping some from them.

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