Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Aw your comments are all amazing! Thank you for your support. As always, comment and let me know about your reactions, what you think might happen, what you hope does happen, and so forth. Your responses have shaped this story to how it is now.

Sorry for the short chapter but I think it needs to be here and Sang wouldn't let me combine it with the next chapter to make it longer! I might (maybe, possibly, most likely) update later on today/tonight. (But don't hold it against me.)


**| Sang's POV |**

Luke was dancing away from North with a chocolate bar in his hands. He laughed as North growled, chasing him around the picnic table.

Kota pulled out a sandwich to nibble on as he read a thick looking book that had some complicated looking equations and diagrams in them.

Silas grumbled as he came over with some snacks from the vending machine.

"It's impossible to get lunch food. Half those student won't even get anything before the bell rings," he said and I smiled as his stomach grumbled.

"Maybe if they fucking expanded the school or built another one, students wouldn't be starving," Gabriel said, plopping down next to me on the picnic table. He passed over a bag of chips to me.

"Thanks," I said and grabbed it.

"Where's your food, Sang baby?" North asked me just as he was about to grab Luke. Luke made a split second decision, tossing the candy bar into the air towards Gabriel who snatched it from the air.

I giggled as North wacked the back of Luke's head.

"I didn't bring anything. I figured I would just get something here." Which wouldn't have happened either because I didn't even have any lunch money. That reminded me. I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday night and that was only an apple and some crackers.

"You can't fucking not eat," North grumbled and dug through his bag. He pulled out a fruit cup and passed it to me.

I smiled and shook my head. "You eat it."

"Take it."

I shook my head.

He walked over and slammed the cup next to me on the table. I jumped as he back away from me. "Don't worry about me and eat the damn fruit." He walked over and sat next to Nathan who was trying to understand a homework assignment he was given.

Luke strutted by and grabbed the candy bar from Gabriel, opened it, and took a massive bite. The noises he made while chewing it turned my cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Oy, go somewhere private if you're going to make those noises." Gabriel covered my ears. "You're embarrassing Trouble. She doesn't need to hear that shit."

The boys all stopped what they were doing and stared at me, only making my face hotter. They broke out into smiles and chuckled. I tried to bury myself into Gabriel to hide which only made them laugh some more.

I pulled away from Gabriel and grabbed the fruit cup and opened it to keep myself occupied. After a few more moments of laughter, they settled down and chatted away. I worked through the fresh strawberries, melons, and pineapple, my stomach already feeling better. When I finished, I put the empty cup onto the table and turned to watch the boys.

I noticed Victor was focused on his laptop, his fingers flying over the keyboard, his expression one of deep concentration with frown lines. His eyes were burning with determination and I'm sure he was going to figure out whatever it was that he was doing.

My curiosity got the better of me and I got up and walked over to him, settling down next to him, trying to get a better view of his screen.

"What are you up to?" I asked, interested in what had him so distracted.

Victor pressed a button and his screen went black. He turned to me. "Nothing important."

I frowned and looked at his screen and then cocked an eyebrow at him. "Are you sure? Is everything okay?"

His smile softened and his eyes smoldered with some thoughts. "Of course, Princess. How is your first day of classes going?"

I shifted on my butt and look at the grass that was slowly turning brown. "Fine."

"Just fine?"

"Why, is there something that is supposed to be wrong?"

He shook his head, giving me a confused look. I sighed and stood back up, trying not to wince as my cuts felt like they were trying to be pulled apart.

They were scabbed over now and I just had to wait it out while it continued to heal. I didn't want to reopen a cut and bleed all over.

I walked back over and sat at the table.

"Want a bite?" Luke asked, holding out a different candy bar. I glanced at North who was glaring at his brother.

"No thanks," I shook my head.

He shrugged and stuffed the rest into his mouth.

I played with my fingers and stared at the dirt underneath my nails. When I looked up, Victor was back to staring at his laptop with a troubled expression. He didn't like whatever he saw on his screen.

Old fears rose and stupid thoughts entered my head.

If he was troubled enough and in danger, would he disappear instead of asking for help? I was so used to people running when something was wrong and for some reason, I pictured Victor doing the same thing. I didn't want that to happen. I was tired of people running. Silas did, my father does every day, my stepmother does with her pills, and I'll even admit to myself that I do it too.

I sighed.

Would Victor do it too? Or any of the boys? Would they run away when they realized how messed up my past was and how much danger they were in with Volto sneaking around?

My thoughts began to confuse me and my head pulsed with the beginnings of a headache.

"Aggele, are you feeling okay? Are you in pain?"

"I'm fine, Silas," I whispered. "Just tired. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night because I was worried about school."

"I noticed your light was on again all night," Kota said, searching my face for answers I didn't have.

"I like the light on."

"It's probably making it harder for you to fall asleep."

I shrugged.

The bell rang and I jumped to my feet, hoisting my bag onto my shoulder, and walked to Biology. I could hear the boys call out to me but I ignored them as they scrambled to catch up.

I was already sitting in class when Silas came in and I stayed quiet through the entire class, pretending to read the assignment even though I already knew all the material.

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