Chapter Twenty-Six

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I wonder if you'll notice the hints to another plot in this chapter. Anyways! Enjoy and as always, comment and let me know what you think. I love reading them and they always give me things to think about and consider as I write the future chapters.


**| Sang's POV |**

It didn't take long to get my student ID and then to find all the books I needed for my classes. I spent extra time looking over their collections of books, already planning on which ones I wanted to borrow. The school's options were slim. You'd think with such a large school, they would have more books but that wasn't the case. In fact, most of the books were old and falling apart, the rest were written all over on, the pages folded. It broke my heart to see such ill-treated books.

I found a section of books that dealt with computer science and found one that interested me and didn't seem as ruined as the rest. It was high up on the top shelf and I couldn't reach it, even on my tip toes. I tried jumping up but that didn't work either. I let out a huff of frustration, hating that the world tended to be too tall for us normal folks.

An arm came into my peripheral vision and I shrank away from it as it reached up and grabbed the same book I've been trying to grab for the last few minutes. I stepped further away, wary of who he was.

A boy, maybe a year older than me stood next to me, looking me over the same way I was scrutinizing him. We were both cautious of each other. He was tall, wiry, with green eyes and dark brown hair cropped short. After we finished checking each other out, his lips curled into a small smile that I knew right away wasn't real, more like his default expression.

I looked at him and then at the book, shifting on my feet. I really wanted to look at that book.

He looked at the book and then held it out to me. "You wanted this, right?"

I nodded.

He lifted the book up more towards me, as if to give it to me.

I reached out hesitantly, wondering if he was playing some sort of prank but I couldn't see anything but sincerity in his expression. I grabbed the book and tucked it into my chest before he decided to keep it for himself.

"Are you interested in computers?"

"My friend is. I'm curious about the things he's interested in."

He nodded and when he smiled this time, it felt genuine.

"I'm great with computers. Want to sit with me and I can help you go over the material if you have trouble?"

"You would do that?"

He nodded. "I'm Wil."

"Sang." I gave him a small smile and he led the way to a table already claimed by a book bag. He moved the bag to the floor and motioned for me to sit across from him. I settled down.

Without saying anything, I opened the book and read. When I had a question on something, I would ask him and he would patiently explain it to me.

I was just about to ask him another question when my phone buzzed against my skin. I flinched at the suddenness of it. With a frown, I pulled it out of my bra, my face growing red because Wil's face grew just as red as he focused even harder on his textbook.

North: Is everything okay? No one is bothering you, right?

Gabriel: If they are, I'll go over there and beat the shit out of them for you.

Sang: I'm fine.

Silas: Would you tell us if you weren't?

I thought about Silas's question. Would I? Easy answer, no. I wouldn't. They didn't need to learn anymore about my mother or what she's done to me or about my absentee father who ignored everything or Maria who apparently scorned me or the fact that I was a murderer or that Volto was a cold-blooded killer or that I had a handful of deaths on my hands.

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