Chapter Twenty-One

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I found some time to get this up today before it gets too busy! Thank you for all your support and comments. Because of you guys, I got a rank! #742 in Fanfiction! Woohoo!!! I was not expecting that at all and it made for a great birthday present. As always, please comment and let me know what you think of the chapter. Some interesting things are going to come to light in the next few chapters.


**| Sang's POV |**

The boys stood only about ten feet away but a glass separated us. I was tied up to a chair and I screamed for them. I screamed and screamed but their backs were to me and no one heard me.

I sobbed out all their names but they never turned around. They were right there but I was still alone.

I woke up in a cold sweat, taking in deep breaths, trying to slow down my breathing. I didn't move from my bed for the next hour as the nightmare kept flashing through my mind. When I did manage to get out of bed, I had to do more of a roll, my body refusing to move the way I wanted it to. My limbs didn't want to straighten or bend and the bruises around my arms and legs looked worse than yesterday.

I found the cream Nathan and Kota gave me and applied it to the rope burns in hope of helping and then swallowed a Tylenol to help with the concussion and pain I felt. After that, I used pure will and years of practice to push the pain I felt to the back of my mind until it was only a thought.

The rest of morning was spent in my room. I did some light stretching, trying to work out the stiffness in my limbs, which helped a little.

When I finished, I worked through a couple chapters of The Sound and the Fury before boredom took hold of me. I used to be fine with being alone, with holding up in my room, reading, listening to music, or singing. But now that I've met the boys, I was introduced to what fun was, what it felt like to be surrounded by people who wanted to be there with you.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, staring at the message screen for a while. I let out a breath of air. I never reached out to someone to make plans before. It was pretty nerve-wracking. They've always invited me over so easily. Now that I was the one who wanted to make the plans, I was scared. What if they said no? What if I'm annoying them? I swallowed my insecurities. I could do this. I wanted to do this.

Sang: Luke, would you like to play Ninja?

I only had to wait about five minutes before he responded.

Luke: Aw, Cupcake. Not cool at all. If I had time today, I would so be jumping trees with you but I'm busy. North needs company though. He's working at the diner all day today.

Sang: Are you sure it would be alright? I don't want to bother him if he's busy.

Luke: Naw, it's fine. He's already waiting for you. Go have fun and make sure to eat chocolate in front of him for me. See you later!

Sang: Okay, see you later.

I smiled to myself. That was pretty easy and the world didn't end. I got a no from Luke but now I got to go to the diner and see North.

I tucked the phone away in my bra and put my shoes on. I opened my door and listened. Maria was in her room, door closed. I crept down the stairs and listened for Diane. Her TV was on.

I stepped on a floorboard that creaked and waited for a moment.


I checked in on her, finding her stretched out on the bed, on her stomach with her right arm dangling over the bed, her hair covering her face. Pill bottles were scattered on her nightstand.

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