I have to admit, it was very tempting to make something happen to North and Silas just because of everyone's responses last chapter hehe. Anyways, enjoy this one. There is a little of everything. Let me know what you think! I love reading your reactions and it motivates me to keep going, especially since we are approaching the end...eventually...and I always struggle with writing endings.
**| Sang's POV |**
I was hot. Too hot. Burning in a furnace hot.
I kicked at the covers and woke up completely when something made a deep grunt. No, not something. Someone.
I popped up in my bed, twisting around onto my knees and took in the sight before me.
The soft pink glow lit the room up enough for me to see Silas and North stretched out on the bed with only a small spot remaining between them where I was nestled in. They were turned towards the middle of the bed as if they were watching over me as I slept.
I didn't even feel them slip in to bed with me and that freaked me out. I've always been a light sleeper, needed to be but since I started taking the pain medication, I would probably sleep through a nuclear bomb going off.
They blinked sleepy dark brown eyes at me that drew me and in and made me feel like I was falling into their depths.
"You're back?" I whispered, not sure if I was still dreaming or not.
"Baby, come back to sleep," North said, tugging on my arm. "We just got back a couple of hours ago.
I looked out the window, seeing the sun peeking through the horizon.
"I thought I wouldn't get to see you until school."
Silas snorted. "Like we could stay away that long."
He stretched out, moving his arms above his head and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head. He wasn't wearing a shirt and the hard plains of his muscles rippled and bulged as he moved. North was the same with no shirt. He winked at me, probably noticing my distraction. When he decided to stretch in the same fashion, I knew he was just messing with me. I had to lick my dry lips.
Silas reached out and pulled me on top of him. He kissed my forehead and then squeezed me tight against him in a Silas hug. I sighed and molded my body to him, leaning my head against his chest and listening to his heart beat.
He was okay. He was alive and healthy and safe.
North scooped me up and I let out a surprised yelp as he mirrored what Silas did, holding me close. He took in a deep breath before kissing the top of my head.
"I missed you, Sang baby," he said into my ear, sending a delicious shiver down my body. They were doing weird things to my body and I knew I needed to get some space to breathe properly again but I wasn't so sure I wanted to.
I wouldn't mind not breathing if it meant I could be with them like this.
Helen's sneer flashed through my mind and I winced before pulling away, now sitting on top of North.
I smiled at them though it felt tight and forced. "Did everything go okay?"
They shrugged.
"We didn't learn much," North said, eyeing me with concern.
"Your father was there," Silas said and I stilled, looking over at him with horror.
"My dad was at this party? With the Doukas?"
"Yes, he was there but he didn't talk to anyone important. He seemed to just wander around and talk to people who weren't of importance," North explained.

Please Don't Leave Me Behind Again (Completed)
FanfictionSang Sorenson grew up in Greece and used to be close friends with Silas Korba. But then one day he left with his friend and she never saw him again. At least until six years later, when she moves to Sunnyvale Court in South Carolina. But things can'...