Chapter Thirteen

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Thank you for all your comments and votes! I'm surprised and glad everyone is enjoying the story because I'm having fun writing it. As always, please comment and let me know what you think!


**| Sang's POV |**

Victor was already outside the doors, waiting for us. Kota placed me in the back seat and climbed in after me, still holding onto me.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt her? What happened?" Victor asked. His eyes were blazing with anger as he looked me over and then to Kota for answers. Kota didn't say anything and they did that eye communication thing again before Victor nodded and we waited.

I couldn't stop shaking and I was worried about Nathan and Silas. What if they were hurt? What if security got them? They were taking too long.

I curled up into a ball and waited, keeping my head tucked into my knees.

"Here they come," Victor said, tapping a tune on the steering wheel as he waited.

A moment later, the door opened and big arms pulled me into a massive chest. Silas's scent washed over me and I snuggled in closer, the smell of the ocean reminding me of Greece.

"Are you okay, Aggele,"

I shook my head. "Μου άγγιξε και με απείλησε και μύριζε πίσω και ήθελε κάτι από μένα και μου παγιδευμένοι και δεν θα επιτρέψτε μου να πάω και δεν θα πάει μακριά και μου άγγιξε και...(He touched me and threatened me and smelled bad and wanted something from me and they trapped me and wouldn't let me go and wouldn't go away and he touched me and...)" I broke out into crying hiccups as he pulled me closer.

"Touched you how," he said in English with barely controlled anger. His arms were wrapped tight around me but I didn't care. I felt safe in his arms. I always felt safe just being around him

" Μάγουλο μου και το λαιμό μου και σκέφτηκα ότι επρόκειτο να με πνίξει (My cheek and my neck and I thought he was going to choke me)," I babbled, my chest heaving.

"Sang, sweetie, I need you to breathe," Kota said. I felt his hand on my back rubbing it as I tried to meld myself into Silas's body. I couldn't stop shaking and my teeth were chattering. I never handled shock very well.

I took in a breath, listening to Kota's instructions.

Breathe in.




Breathe out.

I repeated it three more times before the trembling stopped and my body relaxed.

"Now, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Kota asked, his voice soft.

I shook my head. "He just cornered me with his friends."

"Aggele, you said he touched you. Where?" Silas's grip tightened around my waist.

"My face and neck." I shivered feeling his fingertips against my cheeks, touching me like he was familiar with me. His touch made me feel dirty.

"What did he want?" Victor asked.

"I don't know. I was just waiting there and he came. Wanted to know my name and when I told him I was waiting for someone he got mad."

I felt so stupid and weak. I should have been smarter; I should have paid more attention. I was so defenseless. My hands fisted in Silas's shirt.

"Aggele," he whispered, his voice so soft and warm. "Είσαι ασφαλής. Δεν θα αφήσουμε κανέναν να σας βλάψει . Πάντα. (You're okay. I won't let anyone hurt you. Ever.)"

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