Chapter Seventy-Three

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The final A Report for this book! Read and enjoy and let me know what you think. I have one more thing to upload and then all done! That'll be up in like 5 minutes.


**| ~A~ Report |**

Kota sat with Victor in the back of the large SUV as Victor worked to track down Ghost. They both wanted to be with Sang right now but they needed to find Ghost too. It was important that a man like him was found quickly.

With Volto now in custody, there was no telling what Ghost was going to do.

"I'm not getting anything," Victor said, his eyes focused on his laptop screen.

"Keep looking," Corey said from the front seat as he typed furiously on his own screen. "Holy shit," he said.

"What's wrong?" Kota asked, leaning forward to see what he found.

"Volto is Phaeton Sanna. There isn't much. Lives in Greece, typical father. He had a teenage son who died about five years ago to drug overdose. Not long afterwards, Volto went off radar. His wife died about twelve years ago. I have to dig deeper but there seems to be some kind of block set up. It'll take me a bit to get past."

"What is he doing here?" Victor asked and Kota and Corey turned to see what he was talking about.

Sang's father had pulled up next to a cruiser and he was making his way over to the ambulance where Sang and their brothers were currently getting checked out.

Mr. Blackbourne and Sean were still trying to talk Sang into going to the hospital. She looked so weak, her face pallid, skin dotted with sweat, eyes droopy but she kept refusing. Not until all of them could go with her.

She was now sitting on one of the benches in the ambulance, the gurney folded up and tucked away. Sean was next to her, looking over the wound and doing what he could to make her comfortable until they got her to the hospital.

Mr. Blackbourne sat across from them, eyes on her only. Once in a while he looked at his phone, but his main focus was Miss Sorenson.

North was standing by the back door of the ambulance, typing on his phone to tell his brothers to hurry up so they could get Sang baby to the hospital.

Silas leaned against the ambulance, arms crossed, eyes alert.

Nathan stood next to Silas, watching every face, looking for Ghost.

"What is he doing here?" Nathan asked, his eyes narrowed at someone off to the side.

Mr. Blackbourne shifted so he could look and his silvery-grey eyes hardened as Mr. Sorenson walked towards them.

Silas and North were quick to step in front of her to block her view of her father.

Mr. Sorenson stopped right in front of them, swallowing as he looked up at them.

"I want to see my daughter," he said.

"You lost that right when you decided to deal with the mafia," North growled as he put his phone away so his hands were free.

Mr. Sorenson paled but he didn't back down.

"Let me talk to her."

"Guys, let me see him," her sweet voice said, the words weak but there was a firmness in it that told them they better listen.

They parted, letting her look at her father.

She looked beyond exhausted but she took her father in.

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