I didn't think I was going to get this out today, but here you go! Also, some news. My story made it to #95 in Fanfiction. This all because you, my amazing, wonderful, beautiful readers. Your thoughts and comments and theories and support has helped me get this story to where it is now.
As always, please enjoy and let me know what you think. Almost all the major players of my story are in play now. I may have two or three more people plus a team who need to make their appearance but things are going to start moving forward now.
**| Sang's POV |**
Mr. Hendricks would be an intimidating man if I didn't just survive being questioned by Mr. Blackbourne.
His style reminded me of the military with his head completely bald, his dark eyes watchful and distrustful. His wide shoulders pushed back as he sat straight in his chair.
He followed my movements as I settled down in one of the two the chairs in front of his desk. When I got comfortable, he broke out into a huge smile.
"Miss Sang Sorenson, how are you doing?" he asked. His smile confused me because while it was wide, there was a slight twist to it and his cold eyes kept it from being friendly.
"I'm okay," I said in a low voice, remembering how much I didn't like talking to strangers. I've been surrounded by the boys lately that I had forgotten.
He nodded as if that was the only answer he expected.
"Excellent." He leaned back in his chair, never taking his eyes off of me. I shifted in my seat, growing uncomfortable.
"Why was I called here?"
"I had a lovely chat with your father, Eric Sorenson, just before school started. I wanted to meet his beautiful daughter."
I furrowed my brows. Were they so close with each other that they chatted? I didn't even know they knew each other. Dad lived in Greece for so long that I didn't think he knew anyone in the States anymore.
"I was the one who approved your schedule with the extra AP classes. Your father assured me you would be able to handle it."
I nodded.
"So?" I asked.
"Are your classes going good?"
I nodded.
"That's good. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. You seem like a good studious girl. I would hate to see you fail. Your father wouldn't be too happy with me and I like to keep the parents of my students happy."
My frown deepened the longer he talked. I felt like there were a lot of hidden messages in his words but I didn't have the key to decode them. I gripped the bottom of my shirt as my nerves shot up. He wanted something. But what?
I gave him a weak smile that I didn't feel. "I'm sure my dad would never blame you for any failures on my part."
"Maybe. Can you do me a favor?"
"A favor?"
He nodded. "Yes. I have some students I would like you to connect with. Just be their friends and keep your ears open."
"You were talking to one of them yesterday. Gabriel Coleman."
My skin prickled as he continued to talk.
"They are on loan from some stuck-up private school to stick their noses in where it doesn't belong. I just want to know what they are up to and what they are finding. I noticed you have classes with all of them at some point during the day so I'm sure a pretty girl like you won't have any problems gaining their attention."

Please Don't Leave Me Behind Again (Completed)
FanfictionSang Sorenson grew up in Greece and used to be close friends with Silas Korba. But then one day he left with his friend and she never saw him again. At least until six years later, when she moves to Sunnyvale Court in South Carolina. But things can'...