Chapter Seventy-One

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You guys crack me up! Thank you for reading and for all the support and awesome comments. Here is another one. I probably won't update the last three until tomorrow. Enjoy and let me know what you think!


**| Sang's POV |**

My blink was long and slow and I couldn't help but think the blood loss was finally getting to my brain. With everything that happened, I was finally falling completely apart. Had to with what I was beginning to see.

In the ceiling, hiding on one of the steel bars that went across, was a boy with sad chocolate brown eyes and blond hair, smiling at me though it didn't reach his eyes, next to a man with green eyes and dirty blond hair.



No way. They couldn't be here. Could they.

"Pookie," Dr. Sean said. "Are you with us?"

"Yes," I said. "Can I hallucinate?"

"Maybe confusion if you lost too much blood."

"Are you sure?" I asked, still staring at Luke. "Or did someone forget to tell me Luke was an angel?"

"Miss Sorenson," Mr. Blackbourne said, his voice carefully devoid of any emotions he was currently feeling.

"Yes, Mr. Blackbourne?" I mumbled.

"What are you seeing?"

"The ceiling," I replied.

There was a moment of silence before Mr. Blackbourne said anything.

"Mr. Taylor, instead of confusing Miss Sorenson, please come down and untie us."

Luke nodded and glanced at Doukas. Doukas pressed something to his ear and then nodded.

Luke swung down so only his hands were holding onto the bar he was using to stay up there and then dropped down onto his feet, crouching to absorb the impact of his landing. His eyes looked me over before he went to Dr. Sean and began to untie him.

Doukas dropped down in the same manner and came right to me.

"Asteráki, είσαι καλά? (Little Star, are you okay?)" he asked as he turned me so I was on my back. I gritted my teeth against the pain, though it had numbed a little bit over time.

"Έχω μόνο πυροβοληθεί, (I've only been shot,)" I replied.

He chuckled as he moved my hand and placed a handkerchief from his pocket onto the wound, pressing hard. I grunted with the fresh pain.

"Stop hurting her," Dr. Sean snapped and pushed Doukas away. Dr. Sean took his place, removing the cloth and taking the wound in. "Bullet still in there but we can't remove it until we get you to the hospital. You've already lost too much blood and I don't want you losing anymore."

"What are you doing here?" I asked Doukas. "And how did you guys get in here?" I looked around but didn't see a way in that wouldn't have drawn any attention.

"The air shafts," Luke said, looking proud with a grin on his face, though his eyes didn't match. They were sad and worried as they flickered between my face and my shoulder.

"I'm okay," I said. I had a feeling I was going to need to say that a lot tonight.

Luke nodded as Mr. Blackbourne joined us after looking around the room and trying the door. He moved around stiffly but seemed to okay.

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