Thank you for all your amazing support for this story. The comments last chapter were wonderful. Sorry about "slowing" down on the updating. I need to find a good chunk of time to get a couple chapters ahead again. I caught up to myself with all the updating lol but don't worry! Anyways, as usually, comment and let me know what you think of this chapter! I struggled with a couple parts but hopefully you enjoy it.
**| Sang's POV |**
We ended up going over to Nathan's house for more privacy since Jessica wanted to have a couple of friends over too and we didn't want to overwhelm Kota's mother with guests.
I tried to power through any homework I had at Kota's request. I got about halfway through and gave up, rolling over onto my back, ignoring the discomfort of the pressure on the wounds on my back.
"Are you done?" Kota asked.
"Do you need help?"
"Do you know any other word other than no?"
Kota chuckled and stood over me. "Are you bored?"
"Want to take a break?"
He reached down and I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up as if I weighed nothing. "How about we get dinner started? Everyone else should be here soon."
I nodded, liking that idea. Cooking helped me focus and I needed to do a lot of focusing right now. My mind kept drifting to pretty much everything that has happened since I moved here and if I kept thinking about it all then I was going to be lost. I just felt it. I was going to break and I wasn't sure I would be able to pull myself together again.
We went into Nathan's kitchen and began pulling ingredients out for a soup recipe I read a couple of days ago. I got the beef cooking right away while we prepared everything else.
"What are we making?" Nathan asked, coming in with his arms full of grocery bags. He had left earlier with Luke after finishing homework to get more food for breakfast in the morning. From the looks of it, they bought enough to feed everyone for a week.
Luke came in behind him carrying only one bag. He winked at me before disappearing through the door that led into the living room.
Nathan noticed my distraction and chuckled. "He bought an entire bag of chocolate. He has to go hide it before North gets here and discards it all. He threw away Luke's last stash here."
Kota laughed. "North goes to everyone's house every couple of weeks to find Luke's stashes. I think the only place he hasn't found the candy is at Mr. B's place. It's too big and Luke can get very creative."
"Creative?" Nathan shook his head. "He hid his candy in all my flashlights one time and we didn't know until we had a power outage because of a storm and none of my flashlights worked. North was pissed."
I giggled at the thought of finding candy in different places. Like a scavenger hunt. I wanted to go sneak up on Luke and see where he hid them. I grinned. Maybe even move them on him.
"Sang...what are you thinking?" Nathan asked. "I don't think I like that expression."
I blinked out of my thoughts and softened my smile. "I was just wondering what Luke would do if I snuck up behind him and when he was finished, moved the candy on him."

Please Don't Leave Me Behind Again (Completed)
FanfictionSang Sorenson grew up in Greece and used to be close friends with Silas Korba. But then one day he left with his friend and she never saw him again. At least until six years later, when she moves to Sunnyvale Court in South Carolina. But things can'...