This chapter practically wrote itself and begged to be published. So double update!!!! (I hadn't done one of those in a little while) I had fun writing Luke's POV and I hope you enjoy reading it. Let me know what you think.
**| Luke's POV |**
Ha! As if I'd spend the rest of my afternoon working when Cupcake was just down the road. I snuck out of the diner, leaving North to deal with the incessant old women who found pleasure in touching the male staff.
I contemplated putting up a sign saying "Keep hands of staff unless you have dollar bills" and snickered. North and Uncle would not be amused. Well, Uncle might be and who knows, maybe we could get some good tips out of it.
I found one of the paths that led into the woods and took it, heading towards Cupcake's house. When I got to the woods behind her house, I stopped at the tree line and climbed up one of the trees, keeping my eyes opened for the adults of the house. I couldn't even call them parents. They didn't deserve that title.
Maybe I could get her to come out and we could play some more Sneaky Ninja. I loved playing with her and despite what happened yesterday, I had fun, at least until I was nearly choked to death.
I pushed away the dark thoughts before they consumed me. Everyone always thought I was a constant, happy-go-lucky person but if I wasn't careful then I would go back to being the drunk little boy North snatched off the roof. North was the only one to know my struggles, which was why he always kept such a close eye on me. I couldn't hate him for it. It was a battle some days but Sang made it better on most.
I waited, trying to come up with a plan. I could climb up to her bedroom but I knew she would be downstairs most likely, doing her chores. Even in that household, she was such a good girl.
Just as I was imagining sneaking in through her window and keeping her company downstairs if her mother was passed out again, the back door opened and a fearful Sang came running out.
Any daydreams I previously had about Sneaky Ninja and having fun with Sang fled out of my mind as she ran to the tree line. Her big green eyes were wide with fear but also a kind of exhilaration I've never seen before.
She glanced back at the house, as if waiting for something, or most likely a certain someone, to come out chasing her. When no one came, she let out a loud breath, her shoulders slumping in relief.
She giggled and I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face. Her giggles were a balm to my soul. And she was okay if she was giggling.
"Cupcake!" I called down to her.
Her head snapped up, her eyes squinting as she tried to locate me. "Yoo-hoo! Up here!" I waved my hand to get her attention. She spotted me.
"Luke?" she asked, her voice soft and unsure.
"Yes, ma'am," I replied.
"What are you doing up there?" she asked, coming further into the tree line. I glanced at the house and relaxed when I knew she was no longer in sight of anyone who would be looking out the windows.
"I came to ask if you'd play Sneaky Ninja. Why did you run out of your house like that?"
She didn't say anything and instead eyed the tree. Then she was climbing and I was in awe as I watched.
She was better than me.
I was proud to admit that and I would scream it to the world if I could.
The only time I saw her sure and confident about her choices was when she was climbing. At the park, she was absolutely breathtaking as she jumped and played, never thinking her choices over as she moved from one place to another.

Please Don't Leave Me Behind Again (Completed)
FanfictionSang Sorenson grew up in Greece and used to be close friends with Silas Korba. But then one day he left with his friend and she never saw him again. At least until six years later, when she moves to Sunnyvale Court in South Carolina. But things can'...