Chapter Fifty-Six

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Answers! It's wordy. 3.5k wordy but it's done. Read and let me know what you think. I love hearing what you're thinking. Enjoy and thank you for all your wonderful support in this journey with me.

I give to you the second A Report!


**| ~A Report~ |**

Mr. Blackbourne and Sean walked Sang out with the Toma team. The plan was for them to bring her home and watch over her and the house while the Blackbourne team did their family meeting.

Everyone else settled down in the living room. Victor and Kota were eyeing Silas and North with curiosity, as if knowing something happened between them and Sang. Luke was lost in his thoughts as he settled down on the floor, lying on his back with his eyes on the ceiling. Gabe was flipping through the newest fashion magazine, planning on a whole new wardrobe for his Trouble. Nathan was playing a game on his phone on the couch, his leg bouncing up and down.

When Mr. Blackbourne and Sean came back in, the meeting quickly started.

"Before we get into it, is there anything anyone has to report about their family or any other issues?" he asked.

Everyone shook their heads, wanting to get into the meat of the family meeting. Mr. Blackbourne nodded, expecting this reaction. If there was a problem, they would bring it up and he didn't want to put them through the normal reporting protocol he created when they first became a team.

"Mr. Lee, can you fill us in on anything new on the Ashley Waters mission?" he turned his focus onto Kota.

Kota nodded. "As we learned earlier today, thanks to Sang, the drug that is going around is called JH-14. According to the Toma team, the drug made an appearance a couple of months ago on the streets, which is why they got pulled into it. They know it's coming from the Doukas Family, but they need names and proof to take them down. The drugs started showing up at school since the first day of classes. From what Dr. Green was able to determine, the drug is dangerous and people are having mixed reactions. Most are becoming aggressive, turning on even their best friends. The fight we broke up today were between two best friends who have never been in a big fight with each other before. Three students have been sent to the hospital since school has started with drug overdose and I'm sure more will go as the drug is distributed throughout the school."

Kota looked over at Victor. Victor let out a breath. "I've been trying to trace the distribution through the computers and security cameras but either they are good at swapping the goods or they know the cameras are there. I can't find anything. I have reason to think the football team or cheerleading team may be involved. Also, some of the administrators. Definitely Hendricks. I don't see him letting the drugs run wild in his school without knowing anything about it. He has to know. He's either part of it or turning his head from it like he did with Friday Fall. His bank account sure suggests he knows something. There has been chunks of cash added each week since the middle of summer time and I'm not able to trace it back to its source."

"That shit doesn't care about his students," North growled. "And I think that Greg bastard is involved too. Or he's a buyer. I heard him offered Sang something to help relax her when he cornered her just after her study hall on the first day of school."

"I hate that poutsos (dick)," Silas grumbled and North snorted in agreement.

"Enough," Mr. Blackbourne warned, knowing if he didn't step in now, his brothers would get themselves worked up. "Mr. Morgan, look into this Greg character and see what you can dig up. Also trace Hendricks movements over the summer, try to pinpoint what changed and could explain the deposits into his bank account."

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