Chapter Thirty-Seven

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**| Sang's POV |**

We were moved into an empty classroom. Dr. Green was taking stock of all our wounds and helping us where he could while Mr. Blackbourne glared at all of us. Silas's lip was bleeding, North had a bruise forming on his cheek, Luke was holding onto his shoulder, and Nathan had a slight limp he kept trying to hide. Kota was rumpled, with no glasses and I think his stomach was hurting because he winced whenever he shifted around.

The students who were caught were hauled off to the main office with Mr. Hendricks. Mr. McCoy had joined us at some point, staring at me most of the time. I shifted on the desk I was sitting on, hating that he was taking notice of me.

I was at the back of the room with all the boys assembled around me. I shook with nerves, a delayed reaction to everything that just went down. My shoulder hurt. My back ached, and my jaw was sore. I ran my hand through my hair, getting my fingers tangled with some knots.

"Stop messing with your hair," Gabriel said, coming over. "I'll fix it later." He eyed Mr. McCoy and I realized that not only did Mr. Blackbourne not like the vice principal but so did all of the boys. They watched carefully, expecting something to happen though I wasn't sure what.

"What happened?" Mr. McCoy finally asked, apparently getting bored with just staring at everyone.

Kota straightened, his green eyes squinting a little since his glasses were still missing, no doubt broken on the first floor.

"The fire alarm went off and as we were leaving, some of the students were shoving others around. I went over to stop them and when Silas and everyone else joined to help me, Greg and his friends came out of no where and managed to isolate us. Greg disappeared while the others held us, talking about throwing one of us over the balcony. They decided I was the best option and tried to do it."

Mr. McCoy glared at Kota before turning to me. "And you? What do you have to do with all this?"

I hesitated, taken aback by his sudden aggression. Wasn't he a teacher? Why was he acting like everything that happened was our fault?

Mr. Blackbourne gave me a minute nod, letting me know it was okay to tell him what happened.

"When the bell rang, I tried to go outside but got pushed around by all the students. Greg found me and dragged up the stairs, threatening me with his knife. Said he had a show for me to watch."

"I can't believe this," Mr. McCoy muttered. "Do you know the school board saw you dangling off the damn balcony? They thought you were playing a practical joke. Now I have to explain to them why this stupid Friday Fall has been going on for so long. It's a cluster fuck."

"That cluster fuck," Mr. Blackbourne interjected, "was just ended by a fifteen year old girl. She has done something you or anyone else at this school has been unable to do for years. She put an end to a tradition that should have never been started in the first place or allowed to occur every year."

Mr. McCoy sputtered before pointing at me. "Be careful, Miss Sorenson. These boys won't always be around to protect you." He glared at Mr. Blackbourne. "I can't wait until you're gone from this school."

My heart grew cold at the bitter reminder that they were only here for so long but I was stuck here until I graduated.

"The feeling is mutual," Dr. Green muttered.

Mr. McCoy glared at everyone before leaving the room grumbling about reporters and students.

The room fell silent and I slumped onto the desk, nearly falling off. Silas's arm wrapped around me, keeping me steady.

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