Meeting Him

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Scott POV

"Mum, I'm doing absolutely fine in my subjects - I don't know what gave you the idea that I need tutor!" I argue.

"Maybe I got the idea from your teacher - when she called me! Scott, you said that you were getting good grades in English!" My mum retorts.

"Yeah, I was... In year 9..." I trail off, knowing what punishment is about to be implemented upon me.

"SCOTT HOYING, YOU LIED TO ME?!" Mum screams, her face turning slightly red.

Look - it's not that I want to fail English, it's just that I have a responsibility as practically the leader of our senior year - and school. I have the responsibility to not give a shit and take no bull from teachers.

"Scott, you used to care so much about school! It was the best part of the week for you! What happened?" Mum asks, suddenly quiet.

"I grew up," I say, going into my room and slamming the door closed behind me. This tutoring shit is going to suck.

The next day

"I'm here!" I call out to Miss James, our Russian 'English Literature' teacher. She called me in to introduce me to my tutor. I don't care who it is as long as he - or she - isn't a loser or someone I know.

"Ahhh, Scatt," she says, making me cringe.

"It's... It's actually Scott, Miss," I say awkwardly.

"Okay Scoot."

Wrong again.

"Whatever," I mumble, slumping into a seat.

After sitting for a while, I find myself slowly drifting to sleep. Where was my tutor, and what was taking them so long? I suddenly wake to the sound of a door slamming closed.

"Mitch - finally. I trust the interview went well?" Miss James asks the kid who just entered the room.

"I guess so - those Harvard professors are incredibly intimidating, but I hope I have impressed them."

"Indubitably so, Mitch. Would you like to meet your new... For lack of better wording, student?"

"Certainly, Miss James. I'm thoroughly excited to be working with someone new."

"Here he is," she says, gesturing awkwardly to me.

Mitch turns to face me, and his face goes from a grin to a look of horror. I know this kid - it's that loser who Don was beating up yesterday. Served him right - he looked at me weirdly.

"Um... Actually, Miss James, I just realised I left one of my folders in the interview room! Would you allow me 15 minutes to run and grab it before we start?" Mitch asks, a bead of sweat appearing on his temple.

"Sure thing, just make sure you aren't back too late," Miss James says, beaming. You can tell that Mitch is a favourite of hers.

Mitch POV

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK. I can't tutor Hoying - he'll skin me alive in the very first session!

So who are you tutoring?

Fucking Scott Hoying. I can't do it - gonna find some way to get out of it.

Thought you were always up for a challenge?

Fuck you Kirstie, you know that's not what I meant.

May as well try - see how it goes.

If I end up regretting this I'm going to strangle you

ILY2! xxx

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