Kiss Me

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Mitch POV

"Yes," Scott replies.

I don't know why I asked to kiss him. It made no sense, but nevertheless, I lean forward, my eyes making contact with his. His icy blue eyes search my soul, sending a shiver down my spine.

My lips connect with his and it feels like someone let off 10000000 fireworks between us. I have no way of describing my feelings except, well, heaven.

I find myself counting the seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, breathe.

We pull apart, our breathing shaky. I don't know if he felt what I just did, but if his feelings were anything like mine, his brain should be a puddle of mush like mine right now.

"Um..." Scott says.

"Can..." I start.

"Yes?!" Scott says, a little bit too enthusiastic.

"C-can I kiss you again?" I ask nervously.

"Yes," Scott whispers. He leans forwards and presses his lips against mine. The same explosions erupts between our lips and I find myself pressing into the kiss.

What started as a kiss turns into a make out session, both of us not wanting to pull apart. Eventually we have to, and we separate for about 2 seconds to breathe, before joining lips again, but this time our kisses are more intense, more... Passionate.

We separate for good about 10 minutes later, our breaths shaky and our cheeks pink. My eyes are diluted with lust, and I find myself slightly hard, but I definitely don't want to have sex with Scott. Kissing is fine... For now.


Scott POV

I don't know what just happened, but I know that I really want it to happen again. I want to feel his body against mine, his lips pressed against mine, his hands in my hair. I need him.

"Sorry..." Mitch whispers.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," I reply, slightly confused.

"I bruised your lip. Your friends will ask about it tomorrow," Mitch says, a hint of a smile playing on the corners of his lips.

"Oh," I say, more to myself than him. I reach up and touch my lip, finding it slightly swollen. I didn't even notice that he bit my lip. Now that I think about it, that's really sexy...

"Yeah... Sorry," Mitch says, ducking his head in embarrassment and biting his lip.

"I don't mind. I'll just say I ran into a door or something," I reply, leaning back against my bed. I cross my legs together, desperately trying to hide my slight erection. I look over to Mitch and see that he's doing the same.

"Thank god you didn't leave any marks on me," Mitch chuckles. "That would've been hard for me to explain, given that I'm literally the most introverted and socially awkward person in the world."

"Your lips are red, but that's about it," I reply, smiling.

Mitch suddenly sobers, remembering something.

"Would you please give me a lift to the hospital?" He asks, his eyes starting to fill with tears.

"Of course. Would you like me to stay with you?" I ask, hoping he agrees.

"No, I don't know how I would explain that to Kirstie. Thank you for offering though," Mitch says, weakly attempting to smile at me. "We should go now."

"Yeah, I'll just text my mum to tell her that I'm dropping you off at the hospital, and then we can go," I reply, standing up to grab my phone off my bed.


Rollercoaster of emotions right now, in this book andddd in real life. Does anyone know wtf was with Mitch's snapchat??? I'm dying literally like SCOTTY'S LIPS ARE LITERALLY TOUCHING HIS NECK AND THEY'RE ON A BED TOGETHER ok ok I'm calm but actually I'm dying. ✌🏾️ bye ily all

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