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Thanks for reading, everyone! I actually have a plan for where this is going, so stay with me. I know what I'm doing. Kind of. This is kind of a filler chapter btw. Ok ILY guys! 💕 (P.s the update spree is because I don't have any wifi so I'm just uploading heaps so everyone can read :D)

Scott POV

I don't know what just happened. He taught me for the entire 2 hours and then suddenly stood up and announced that I had to leave. I did, of course, but it was so abrupt that I felt... Hurt in a way.

It's silly, but the entire time I was just... Appreciating how... Gorgeous he is. In a way, I feel like he doesn't get appreciated enough. Too bad he's straight. And has a girlfriend.

Wait what am I thinking? FUCK! I need to get this boy out of my head.

I push my front door open and walk inside, really hoping my mum isn't home.

"Scotty?" A voice calls out. Damn - she's home. And will want to know everything.

"Here!" I yell back, walking towards the kitchen. I enter to find my mum hunched over the counter decorating cupcakes.

"How was tutoring?" Mum asks, grinning at me. "Is he a good teacher?"

"Yeah," I reply, sighing.

Mum looks up at me, frowning. "That's all I'm going to get? 'Yeah'? Are you serious? Give me details! What did you learn? What did you discuss?"

God I really don't have time for this.


Mitch POV

I slump down in my chair and grab my phone out. I decide to text Kirstie.

Finished. Fucking awkward.

K Baby the best person in the world
How awkward?

Sufficiently. Did you change your contact name?

K Baby the best person in the world
Yes. Don't change it. Did he say anything bad about you?

~ contact changed ~
No he just didn't say... Anything.

Please tell me you didn't change my contact. It was fabulous. What do you mean?

I just changed it to Asshole. I mean he literally didn't say anything, he just listened to me.

Change my contact name or I swear to God I will post your school photo from last year. So you were the dominant ;)

~ contact changed ~
Gross, you sicko. I don't think of him that way. I mean, he's cute, but I don't want to fuck him or anything.

So you want to be fucked by him? What did you change my contact to?

Kween. And no - I don't. I don't think of him sexually or anything. I think.

I STG Mitch Grassi if you're lying to me I want a good contact name. What do you mean 'I think'?

I'm not lying! I mean like I don't actually know if I think of him sexually or not. I might do it subconsciously or something but currently I don't know.

Good because I was about to post the photo of you. It's ok if you don't know. I don't really care I just wanted to tease you.

Fuck you

Love you too! See you tomorrow dork

See you tomorrow, asshole.

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