Camp // Part Four

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Explanation for absence at the end :)

~ 4 days later ~

Scottie Buckets POV

"C'mon Mitch, we're almost at the top!" I encourage him, slightly assisting him by pushing him from behind.

We reach the top of the mountain and Mitch falls to the ground with a sigh.

"We made it!" He cries triumphantly, a relieved grin plastered on his face. I laugh and drop down beside him.

"Good job!" I tell him, leaning my head against a rock.

"The top of the mountain is so beautiful. You can see everything from here," Mitch sighs, grabbing out his camera to take a photo.

"I like being on the top," I tell him with a wink. He laughs at me and shoves me.

"That was poorly executed," Mitch snorts, poking his tongue out at me.

"I tried, give me that at least," I say, laughing so hard I almost roll sideways.

The events of this camp have been mostly uneventful. Every night both Mitch and I have been too tired to even make polite conversation with each other, just snuggling into our sleeping bags and drifting out of consciousness.

I'd hoped that in the duration of the camp, if we ever found a moment to be away from the other campers, at some we would discuss our feelings toward each other.

And what I mean by that is I'd confess my love to Mitch and he would blatantly reject me. Or maybe he would reject me kindly... Either way, Mitch would reject me and I would be very upset.

Fuck it, I'm going to find the time at some point to tell Mitch that I love him. I don't care if he rejects me - I just want him to know that my heart yearns for him and his love.

My attention snaps back to reality as Mitch says, "God, we have 4 hours of free time before dinner and sleep. What should we do?"

"I have no idea," I shrug. I have no idea what we'll do for 4 hours - we aren't permitted to see any of the girls after 4pm, so seeing Kirstie is ruled out.

I suppose we could just chill by the fire, but that gets a bit tedious after 1 hour. No doubt Kevin and Avi will be doing something fun together - those two really click, you know what I mean?

I'll figure something out eventually.


Mitch POV

We start to descend the hill, taking our time and enjoying the scenery. Scott and I haven't really done anything together this camp, and it's basically tearing me apart. I just want him to be close to me, to hold me when we go to sleep, to kiss me whenever we want.

Being so lost in my thoughts, I don't notice the rocks that are close to my feet. I trip and start to fall forwards but Scott catches me at the last second, pulling me back to my feet.

We make eye contact and I feel myself getting lost in his beautiful blue eyes. They're the colour of the water, somehow managing to be cold and icy yet as deep and dark as the ocean at the same time.

"Hi," I breathe, our faces close. I could lean in and kiss him, but something tells me not to. I don't want to ruin our friendship.

I know Scott doesn't like me the way I like him, but I'd rather have him as just a friend than not have any relations to him at all. Maybe one day I'll be confident enough to tell him how much I like him, but for the meantime I'm content with our friendship.

"Hello," Scott says, winking and continuing to walk. We're about 3 kilometres away from the camp; not that far. Maybe 1 hour away - we still have to carry our packs and tents. 

I never thought I would hate bags as much as I do now. Wait, is a pack the same thing as a bag? I don't think so; bags are infinitely more fabulous.

"Scooter, are bags and packs the same thing? Like, would you classify them both under the same category?" I ask, moving a little bit faster to catch up with him.

"I wouldn't say so; bags are infinitely more fabulous and prettier than packs," Scott chuckles, glancing at my pack.

"That's what I was thinking!" I giggle, patting Scott's pack. His is larger than mine because he's taller and it needs to fit his frame, whereas I received the smallest pack. Scott's carrying a little bit more than me, but everyone agreed that it's fair, given that Scott could almost lift 700 of me and still be able to carry his pack.

About 1 hour later.

We reach our destination and slump down onto the soft, green grass. I throw my pack to the side, not wondering or caring where it ended up, just grateful to have it off my back.

"Never... Again..." I puff, turning to Scott and grinning like a maniac.

Scott laughs and agrees, poking his tongue out at me. He stands up and stretches, leaning down and touching his toes. His butt is high in the air, and I'd be lying if I say that I don't enjoy the view. Scott has one of the nicest asses I've ever seen.


Hey! So... I've been gone for a while, and I have a good reason. You know that like... slight... problem known as Trump being the president-elect? Yeah, well my cousins live in America and now have to move because of him. They're gay, black females and all fearing for their lives. I've been mildly upset to say the least, and haven't been feeling up to writing.

You're all really kind people so I hope you all understand xx

Aaaaaand also exams finished yesterday... Kill me please. I probably failed all of them.

Also... guess what?!?! I'm gonna have a book cover contest! If you wanna make a cover for this book (because I'm incredibly lazy and y'all are super talented) then send me a message and we can talk (or you could comment here but where's the fun in that?)

Ok I love y'all so much xx bye

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