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Aaaaaand welcoooome to anotheeeer chapteeeer!! Did that sound like a Game Show Host? If not, damn... That was what I was aiming for.

So, I have no concept of time for this, so let's pretend December just started and this was all according to plan, ok?

Also it's my girlfriend and I's 6 month anniversary tomorrow?? Help??? I haven't screwed up yet??????

Now, back to y'all hating me for not writing about Scott and Mitch's conversation!


Scottie Buckets POV

"Alex, I don't care what you think, you know how Travis feels about them. We can't join their group - Kirstie and Mitch understand, so why can't you?" I ask him, rolling my eyes,

"But I don't understand... So we don't bully them, but we don't talk to them?" Alex asks, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Yes! What is so difficult to understand about that!" I complain, throwing my hands up exasperatedly.

Alex sighs and walks away from me, leaving me to seethe quietly. Travis steps up to join my side, swinging a piece of tinsel around my neck.

"24 days until we can get drunk and my parents won't care!" Travis says with a grin, pumping his fist into the air. He begins to walk to class, talking my ear off the entire time.

"Ok, bye Trav," I say, raising my hand in a half-hearted wave as I enter the classroom.

I have English with Mitch, and today is the day of my final test. The rest of the class is taking the same one as me - our year level's standard - and if I can pass with a D or higher, I'll be allowed to finish tutoring. The thought of finishing tutoring with Mitch fills me with a sadness that I can't explain, but now that my feelings have been conveyed to Mitch I'll be seeing him a whole lot more.

I search the classroom for Mitch and make eye contact with him. He gives me a supportive wink and grin and proceeds to turn to Kirstie. His reassurance is all of the motivation I need to pass this test.

The tests are placed on each desk and we're allowed to start writing, thus beginning the most difficult test I've ever done.


Mitch POV

I finish the test with half and hour to spare and quietly excuse myself from the classroom, heading to the library. The principal gave me special permission to do this whenever I want to.

I push the doors open and wave cheerily at every Librarian I pass, heading towards the 'new books' section. Only Library Assistants - and I am one - are allowed in this section, as we have to put contact and barcodes onto the books.

There's something calming about Libraries; the sereneness of the atmosphere, the smell; fresh ink (I swear it's a drug), the feeling of being surrounded by bountiful knowledge and endless escapes.

After contacting 3 books and checking our the newly ordered books, I exit the library to go to the bathroom. I push open the door of the boy's bathroom and find myself to be alone; just how I like it.

I lock myself in a cubical (I have no desire for anyone other than Scott to see my dick) and get to my business. Soon, I hear the door open and 2 people walk in, talking as if they're 12 years old, but their significant voice drop tells me that they're in my year.

I recognise one of the voices - Travis. Fuck, how do I leave?

I push open the door of the cubicle and pull my hood over my head. I duck my head and walk over to the sink, washing my hands quickly and making to leave.

"Not so fast, Faggot," Travis says, freezing me in my path.

"I'm not a faggot, Travis. Please let me leave," I whisper, turning around but keeping my head ducked.

"We all know you're a faggot, you... Faggot! Now, I'd like to ask you some questions concerning my best friend Scott."

"All I do is tutor him... I know nothing about him! I have nothing to do with him, and I'd like to keep it that way," I lie through my teeth, making to leave again.

"Turn around and walk towards me. We need to... Speak," Travis's cruel voice spits at me, scaring me shitless.

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