"The End Of Me..."

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Scooter Into Mitch's Asshole's POV

"What's going on? Is everything ok?!" I yell after his mother, pounding on the closed door. "I swear to fucking Jesus if something's happened to Mitch..."

Mitch's mother yanks the door open and hisses at me, "No, you fucking idiot, Mitch is in hospital. Why the hell do you care about him so much?!"

Stunned by her use of language I reel back slightly, replying to her, "I... I love him."

Now she's stunned, her mouth agape and eyes wide. "Are you two... You know, together?" She asks me, her mouth opening and closing as if she has more to say.

"Yes, and we've been together for almost a year now," I reply with a sigh. "Why is Mitch in hospital, and what are you preparing for?"

His mother pauses for a minute before saying, "I may as well show you. Come with me, we're going to the hospital."

We walk towards her car and I take in her appearance; disheveled, clothed head-to-toe in black and not a trace of makeup. Mitch's mother is a woman who pays close attention to her appearance, never leaving the house without making sure she's properly attired, so to see her like this has rendered me shocked.

We drive to the hospital, arriving after about 10 minutes of continuous silence. Mitch's mother, Nel, directs me past the front desk and leads me down a hallway, walking down a path she's appeared to have memorised.

Nel stops and knocks on a door, the room number being 17. We're in the ward for those under critical condition.

"Come in," A voice calls, one which I immediately recognise. It's Mitch, but his voice is hoarse and tired, indicating a lack of sleep and somewhat of an illness.

"Now," Nel whispers to me. "Don't do or say anything rash; you must be calm and collected around him. He's... Fragile."

I nod and we enter the room, and Mitch's appearance shocks me more than anything ever could.

He's hooked up to an IV, his face is sunken in and he's lost so much weight over the past couple of days. I've never seen him so... Frail. It's hurting me to even look at him, but it's probably hurting him even more to be awake.

"Mitch?" I whisper.

He gazes over and sees me, his eyes lighting up for a second, then the spark that ignited flies from them as quickly as it arrived. His eyes well up with tears and he whispers, "My Scott..."

I run over to his and smash my lips against his, holding him as tightly as I can, trying to feel as much of him as I can, having missed the taste and feel of him so badly, not ever wanting to have to miss it again.

"What happened?" I ask him as we pull apart. Mitch's eyes spill tears like a waterfall, showing all of the sadness that he's held inside of himself these past couple of days.

"There was nothing left for me..." He responds.

I click onto what he's saying and immediately I begin to sob, my check wracking with deep breaths, trying to sustain enough oxygen to continue crying. I pull him close to me, holding him so tightly that I fear he may shatter, just like my heart.

"Baby... Why?" I whisper shakily.

"I was going to... They were going to... Leave," Mitch says, struggling to find words between sobs.

I hold him tightly and we sit in a comfortable silence, neither of us daring to speak our thoughts for fear of losing each other.

"Mitchell, care to explain to Scott what happened?" Nel suggests kindly, her tone soft and not unlike the way that a mother would speak to a toddler who's still learning the ways of life.

"I took 18 panadol and tried to bleed out..." Mitch tells me. "The nurse and my parents... Well, they respect my wishes, they understand that I just can't... I guess, they were going to let the plug be pulled on my IV, allowing a painless death."

I gape at him and reel back in shock. My whole face is drained of the blood and I'm finding it difficult to breathe, difficult to think. I might've lost Mitchy.

"NO!" I scream, falling onto the mattress area beside Mitch and tearing my fingers through the blanket. My whole body is numb, like I can't feel the mental pain that's been bestowed - no, inflicted - upon me.

"Mitchell Grassi, please don't ever leave me, please, I can't imagine my life without you, I can't imagine living if you don't, I can't imagine myself without you, I can't imagine a life where my love for you doesn't exist, where yours for me wouldn't exist, where we couldn't be together."

I stop, my head face down in the mattress.

"God dammit, Mitch, please don't fucking leave me. I love you so much, so much that my heart hurts when I'm not around you, so much that you occupy my thoughts 24/7. So much that I already know that when we graduate, I'm going to propose, and you're going to say yes, and we're going to live in wedded bliss for the rest of our lives, because I love you so fucking much and don't ever want to be without you."

I look up and see Mitch staring down, partially dry tears staining his cheeks and his eyes creating fresh ones.

"You love will be the end of me, Scott Hoying, but I want it to be," Mitch whispers.

He leans down and kisses my lips roughly, holding me as tightly as I do to him, possibly even tighter.

"Promise you won't leave me by your own means," I whisper into his ear.

"I promise, Scotty," Mitch whispers in reply, kissing my neck softly.


Hope you cried because I did when I wrote this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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