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Scott POV

Thinking back to yesterday, I question why I thought about Mitch when I was in the shower. I don't like him - he's a loser.

Do I?

No - I definitely don't. I'm not going to say I'm straight, but just because I'm gay doesn't mean I have homoerotic thoughts about every boy I meet. Mitch is... Good looking, but I don't like him at all.

So why was I thinking about him?


Mitch POV

"Kirst, want a ride?" I ask her. The phone crackles a bit before I hear her reply.

"That'd be great actually, thanks," she replies. "See you soon."

She hangs up and I throw my phone onto my bed. Today's the first official day of tutoring with Scott. I don't know how I feel about Scott being at my house... It's weird for me to think that someone who bullies me will be in my house.

Hopefully it won't be as bad as I think it will. I mean, Scott's pretty cute, so it's not like I'm going to have nothing to look at. I just hope Scott doesn't take this opportunity to bully me.


Scott POV

Fuck... I don't actually know where Mitch lives. I need to ask him, but I don't want to text him. I don't want my friends to see that I'm being tutored by him and texting him.

Fuck it... I can't skip tutoring, and it's better than talking to him in person. Good thing Ms James made him give me his number.

I don't actually know where you live

Mitch, Tutor
4 Cherry Blossom Lane

For real?

Mitch, Tutor
No jks I live at 76 grendleway street :)

Ok I'll be there at 4


Mitch POV

I don't know why I tried making a joke, I mean, it's not like he'd laugh - we aren't friends. God... And I added a fucking smiley face. Whatever...

6 hours later

I'm sitting in 6th period with Kirstie, waiting for the bell to ring for lunch. Today I have a rehearsal for the musical for half of lunch, so it's basically working on the songs, making sure we have everything perfect.

The musical is literally the only thing I enjoy doing in school, which sounds like a lie since I'm a straight A student, but I only get straight A's so I can make my parents proud. If I couldn't do any music electives or the musical, I'd probably drop out of school.

The bell rings and Kirstie and I sprint out of class. She races me to the auditorium, laughing when I frantically push in front of her to try and beat her. We reach the door, her a little farther ahead of me.

"Ha - beat you!" Kirstie says, poking her tongue out at me and grinning.

"Yeah well fuck you," I mumble, smiling also. I always say that, and to anyone else it would sound like bullying or bitching or whatever, but to us it's how we show that we're best friends.

"Well, well, well, look who it is," someone says, their voice harsh and getting louder by the second. I can tell that whoever said that is approaching us quickly and there is definitely no escaping this.

"It's the teacher's bitch and his girlfriend," someone else laughs cruelly. I would recognise that voice anywhere - Scott.

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