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This is actually chapter 50...????? Omg???? Look how far we've come... :) ahhhhh! Also we hit 4K reads! Thanks so much guys xx

Also sorry for no posting this yesterday - I had some personal issues that I had to deal with but I've resolved them now :)



Mitchell Gras-Santa Claus POV

"Wow, Kirst! Thank you so much!" I gasp, attempting to hold up my present. She bought me every single item of Beyoncé merch she could find, which is a lot.

"I'm glad you like it," she replies, grinning.

"It's Queen B; of course I'd like it!" I reply, acting as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I pull her in for a hug, squeezing her tightly. 

Spending Christmas with Kirstie is a yearly tradition that we never fail to uphold. My parents usually spend the day with some other people, so Kirstie, and sometimes her family, comes over to my house and we unwrap presents, watch shitty Christmas movies and spend time together.

"Is it ok if I invite someone over?" Kirstie asks, poking my gently.

I nod and ask, "Who is it? Someone I know?"

"Yeah, you know him well," she replies with a smirk. I roll my eyes; she's inviting Scott over. I'm not mad; I wanted to see him today, but I was just going to go to his house, not have him over at mine.

Almost 20 minutes pass before Scott arrives, knocking politely at the door. He's holding a bag, which I assume carries alcohol and presents, and wearing bather shorts and a t-shirt.

"Hey," he whispers, pulling me into a hug. He holds me for a while, then leans down to give me a kiss. "Merry Christmas..."

"Merry Christmas to you too," I reply, gazing softly into his eyes. He's the most beautiful person I've ever seen, there's no denying it.

He enters the house and joins Kirstie in the living room, giving her a hug and placing his bag on the table. Kirstie and Scott converse for a while, whilst I take the opportunity to grab some snacks and drinks from the kitchen.

I reenter the room to find Scott and Kirstie speaking in hushed tones, giving each other sly looks. 

"Should I be concerned?" I ask, eyeing them off.

"No, no," Kirstie replies, waving me off. I join her on the ground, sitting cross legged. Scott is sitting across from me, looking at me with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Can I give you your present?" Scott asks me, grinning excitedly. He bounces slightly, reaching to grab his bag. I have a feeling he wouldn't have cared about whatever answer I could have given him.

"You didn't have to get me anything..." I reply, ducking my head and looking down at the ground.

"I wanted to!" Scott protests, handing me a wrapped present. The wrapping appears to not be Christmas wrapping, but white wrapping covered in silver love hearts. I don't know if he ran out of wrapping paper or purposely did it, but I love it anyway.

I unwrap the present, my hands shaking slightly. I suck in a gasp of air as the present is revealed - a beautiful diamond chain. It glistens in the sunlight, showing off every individual diamond.

"Oh... whoa," I whisper to nobody in particular. I then look up to Scott, tears brimming in my eyes. He's looking at me with a hopeful expression on his face, wanting me to like it. "I love it so much," I whisper to him.

He grins, pulling me in for another hug. I kiss him, not caring that we're in front of Kirstie. It's not a passionate kiss, but one full of love no less. 

"Thank you so much," I whisper, nuzzling into his neck.

I pull away from him and turn to Kirstie, who kindly averted her gaze. She looks back and smiles, reaching behind her to grab her present for Scott. She hands it to him and looks at him expectantly, waiting for him to open it.

He unwraps the present and laughs loudly. She gave him a whole heap of rainbow items, including (but not limited to) sticky notes, a cardboard cut-out of a rainbow, a sign that says 'gay as hell', and a shirt.

Scott hugs Kirstie, laughing out a 'thank you'. Scott then gives Kirstie her present, which is a lot of makeup from her favourite brands. Kirstie squeals as she opens the present, hugging Scott tightly.

"Scott gives amazing presents, it's confirmed," Kirstie says, clapping her hands and laughing. Scott chuckles at the comment and then turns to me, looking deeply into my eyes.

I reach behind me and grab my present for Scott, holding the box in my hand for a couple of seconds before I hand it to him. I really hope he likes it.

Scott unwraps the box and the first thing he sees is the smaller box. "Is this what I think it is?" He asks me, opening the box. "No way - Beyoncé tickets?!" 

I laugh and nod my head. I put them in a box because I didn't want them to get damaged, as Scott will want to frame them once he's used them.

He then continues to look through the box - he finds a couple of shirts, a new tie (for formal occasions), and he finally reaches the last present. He holds the key up, slightly confused, but then he realises what it is. 

"Is this a key to your house?" He asks, looking at me with a shocked expression.

"I hope it's not... too much, but I wanted you to have one. I gave Kirstie one about a year ago, and I thought it was time for me to give you one, as I trust you with every fibre of my being and want you to be able to see me whenever you want," I blabber, word-vomiting due to nerves.

"I love it. I love you," Scott says, interrupting me. He pulls me in for a gentle hug, once again kissing me. This time it's passionate, more like a less-heated make-out session. We pull apart and settle into a hug, enjoying the closeness for a minute.

We turn around to see Kirstie with her phone out, having just recorded that entire thing. I roll my eyes at her and flop onto the ground.

"Merry Christmas, you guys," I say, sighing out loud.

"Merry Christmas," they both reply, laying down beside me.

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