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In honour of me kissing my girlfriend for the first time today, I present to you; a chapter.

Mitch POV

"Hello," The boy says, sticking his hand out to shake. "My name is James!"

"Mitch," I reply, grasping his hand and firmly shaking it. The boy seems nice, and apparently doesn't have any friends here yet.

He seems cute, but the kind of cute that gives you a sense of playfulness or childishness, the kind of cute that you would use to describe someone in a platonic relationship with you.

"What a gorgeous name; suits a gorgeous boy," James says cheekily. He flashes me a lopsided grin and winks. No doubt about it; he's into men.

"You're not so bad yourself," I tell him coolly, smiling kindly.


"And that's why Jane Austen is a shit author," James affirms, his brows furrowed in concentration.

"I whole-heartedly disagree with that statement, but respect your opinion all the same," I grin, poking him playfully. Something about James makes me want to let go of my inhibitions and just have fun. I can't wait for Scott to meet him.

"You're strange, but I like you," James says, his voice oddly quiet all of a sudden.

I turn to look at him, his bright blue eyes meeting my chocolate brown ones. He stares deeply into my eyes, and before I realise his intentions, he's leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine.

I push back suddenly and say, "I have a boyfriend!"

"Oh?" James says, raising an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by my pushing back. "And who would that be?"

"Scott Hoying; you may have heard of him," I reply, my mind quite panicked and wishing for an escape.

"I've actually met him. I saw him for the first time when he was making out with some girl named Lily," James says. "You sure he's your boyfriend? He seems pretty straight, especially since the girl and him headed into the bathroom together and didn't leave for a good half an hour."

"Uh... Wait, when was this?" I ask, my eyes wide.

"This morning," James confirms. I didn't see Scott at all this morning, and I finally have the explanation. Scott has never not said hi to me in the morning. I guess he's using the excuse of not talking in school to cheat on me with some whore named Lily. She sounds like a bitch.

A million thoughts rushing through my mind, I sit down on the gravel, my hands covering my face. James sits beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"My boyfriend cheated on me... That's why I decided to kiss you. I'm sorry, I just wanted someone to kiss, to feel like I was wanted..." James breathes, his eyes fixated on the ground.

"I know how you feel now," I whisper, tears brimming in my eyes.

Without thinking, I press my lips to James'.

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