Camp // Part One

320 31 15

Scott POV

I shove the last item of clothing into my duffle bag. It doesn't matter which bag I put the clothes into, because when we get there we have to put everything into a pack.

"All done?" My mum asks, smiling at me. She hates when I have to leave for any period of time, so she's staying with a friend for the week.

"Almost, just need to put in some plastic bags," I reply, smiling in return.

Mum reaches behind her and hands me 2 plastic bags. I shove them into the top of my duffle and zip it up, throwing it onto my bed.

"Oh, by the way, your friend Kirstie is downstairs," Mum says, exiting the room. She hums as she walks down the hall, instigating a laugh from me. I have the best mum in the world.

Kirstie enters my room shortly after that, holding a bright pink backpack and a grin that stretches from ear to ear.

"Are you excited for camp?!" She squeals, running over to hug me.

I'm haven't even been friends with Kirstie that long, but I already know that we're going to be friends for life. Kirstie has a contagious smile, one of the most amazing minds I've ever had the pleasure of hearing talk, and the bubbliest, most fascinating personalities I've ever known.

"Very, especially now that I know Mitch is sharing a tent with me!" I reply, laughing. Kirstie laughs also, her smile lighting her face up.

"Have you finished packing yet?" She asks, wandering over to my duffel. She opens it and gazes inside, nodding in approval.

"Yeah, just finished. Have you?" I reply, walking over to my bed and sitting down.

"Yeah, I finished yesterday. Packing isn't that difficult for me; it's the actual journey that's hard!" Kirstie says, zipping my bag closed.

She walks over and sits next to me as I say, "Do you think Mitch wants to share a tent with me? I don't want to force him into doing anything he's too uncomfortable with. I'll even carry his tent for him!"

Kirstie giggles and nods her head enthusiastically. "Yeah," She says, smirking. "Mitch definitely wants to share a tent with you."

"Are you sure," I ask, my eyes wide. I don't want Mitch to hate me or feel uncomfortable. He deserves to be as comfortable as possible.

"Scottland, you are too kind for your own good," Kirstie says, grinning at the nickname. I like it - but it would sound better coming from Mitch's lips. Then again, everything sounds better coming from Mitch's lips.

"Ok, I guess I believe you," I smirk, looking away nonchalantly. Kirstie rolls her eyes and walks to my bedroom door.

"Sorry that I was only here for a little while, but I'm stopping by everyone's houses to make sure that they're prepared!" Kirstie says, smiling. She's so kind. I'm lucky to consider her a friend - I don't know why I was such a dick to her for years.

"Ok, well, I'll see you soon, Kirst!" I reply as she exists my room, waving as she goes. I hear my mum comment something and Kirstie's laugh follow, so I'd assume my mum was saying goodbye to her but slipping in a joke. My mum is literal goals.


2 hours later

"Alright, students, line up in an orderly fashion. I want a straight line," Miss Smith says, counting the number of students on her bus.

"Guess we can't join the line," Mitch whispers to me, giggling. I laugh in return, receiving some strange looks.

We're going in buses of Core Classes, so neither Travis nor any of his friends will be on the bus with us - just how I like it.

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