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Scott POV

Why did he call me? Is Kirstie not available to help?

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Kirstie and I... We've been in a car accident. Kirstie isn't moving. Please help us..." Mitch says, his voice trembling. I can tell that he's scared.

"Where was the crash? What do need me to do?" I ask.

"Please... Come and get us. None of my other friends were answering. You were the only person who answered their phone," Mitch whispers.

"Where are you?" I ask, starting to panic a little. I grab my keys and head out to my car, still on the phone.

"Out by the Starbucks next to school. Somebody r-ran into us," Mitch stutters.

"I'll be there in 7 minutes. I'm gonna put you on speaker phone. You need to tell me if the situation gets worse," I explain, turning the key in the ignition.

"O-ok..." Mitch whispers.

I arrive at the crash site shortly before the ambulance does. I sit next to Mitch as they carry Kirstie and the person who crashed into them away in a stretcher. Mitch is crying, tears running quietly down his face.

"We were going to her house and this car ran the red light and crashed into us. It hit Kirstie's side and spun us off the road," Mitch whispers. "I want her to be Okay. I need her to be Okay. I won't survive without her."

"I understand," I find myself whispering in reply. Suddenly I find myself pulling Mitch in for a hug, and he wraps his arms around my waist, crying into my shoulder.

We sit like that for a good 10 minutes, neither of us saying anything, just finding comfort in being close to another human.

"Sorry for ruining your shirt," Mitch whispers, looking up at me, his eyes boring into mine.

"I don't mind," I whisper back, a hint of a smile playing on my lips. "Would you like to come to my house?"

"I would like that... A lot," Mitch says, getting up to follow me to my car. We hop in and I drive to my house.

Mitch seems to be a bit shocked at the size of my house. I may be used to it, but to anyone else I guess it would appear... Huge. My mum is quite rich.

"Would you like to come inside?" I ask, making to get out of the car.

"Yes please," Mitch replies, sliding out of his side of the car.

We walk inside and head up to my bedroom. We sit there, not looking at each other or talking, but for some reason it just feels... Natural,

"I'm sorry about your girlfriend," I tell him.

"Kirstie isn't my girlfriend. She's very straight and I'm very gay," he replies. My heart lifts a little when he says he's gay, but then drops about 2 stories when I realise that all this time my friends and I have been calling Kirstie his girlfriend.

"Oh... Sorry," I say, feeling slightly uncomfortable now.

"You couldn't have known - it isn't your fault or anything," Mitch tells me.

"If it makes you feel even the slightest bit better, I'm gay and all my friends are homophobic monsters," I say, chuckling a little bit.

Mitch's face turns to an expression of horror as he says, "That's horrible!"

"Yes, but I deal with it," I say, leaning against my bed.

"How long have you known that you're gay?" Mitch asks, peering up at me.

"4 years. You?"

"7 years."

"I'm a noob in the field of homoerotic feelings, I guess." We both laugh a little, smiling afterwards.

"Scott... Can I ask you something?"


"I don't... Want to think about all of this..."

"That's not a question, English Tutor."

"May I kiss you? To distract me from... Everything?"


Is it bad that I cried a little writing this? I messed with my own feelings.

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