Back To School

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Mitchie Moo's POV

First day back; hell, hell and more hell all packed into one day. My final year of schooling. I'm officially a year 12 - or as the Americans say, a senior. My final year of being fucked up by people I have to see every day.

"Ready to go, Tiny Man?" Kirstie asks me, her keys in her hand. Her car is parked out in the front; a new one her parents gave her for Christmas. She finally received her full licence.

"Fuck no," I reply, my face forming a grimace.

"Same," Kirstie sighs, leaving the front door and walking to her car. I join her, my school bag in hand, ready-ish - but not willing - for the first day back.

We drive to school, Kirstie facing the dread of formal - Australia's prom, and I facing the dread of not being able to talk to Scott. Travis no longer worries me; I know Scott can handle him, but I hate the idea of not being able to share affection in public with the one person I love more than anything else.

I enter the front doors meekly, praying that my first encounter with a student isn't with one of my bullies. That would really make the year start out by sucking; something I'm good acquaintances with.

I manage to make it to my homeroom without encountering a single unwanted person, which in itself is a miracle, and find that my homeroom teacher is Miss James.

"I thought you had transferred departments!" I cry, running over to her.

"Changed my mind," She says with a wink, her thick accent showing.

I laugh and sit down in a chair, Avi on my right and Kirstie on my left. I open my laptop and log onto my emails, finding an email from the principle to all of the students.

Dear students,
I'm so pleased to welcome you all into the new year!
You will find all of the necessary information for timetabling and subjects on the school website.
Mr Oak.


Schoot's POV. (Get it? Scoot + School? Nobody? Ok.)

"Trav, pass me back my phone," I say, rolling my eyes. I don't really care that he has my phone, but I don't want him seeing any of my text messages.

"Nah... I think I'll have a look through it; see what you've been up to this summer," Travis laughs, attempting to unlock it.

"Good luck with that; I changed my phone password. My mum kept trying to log into it," I tell him, holding a hand out for the phone.

Travis continues to try to log into into my phone, to no prevail. I made it a word password; Mitch's full name. Travis would never think of that being it - he thinks I hate Mitch.

I grab my phone back and sit forward in my chair, waiting for the teacher to start calling the role.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see a small boy smiling at me. He has brown freckles plastered across his nose, bright blue eyes and messy honey-coloured hair.

"Hello," He says, flashing me a lopsided grin. There's no denying that he's cute, but I'm completely in love with Mitch.

"Hey,"  I reply, grinning. "Are you new?"

"Yep; this is my first day here. I came here to do my final year," He replies. "What's your name, cutie?"

"Scott, and I'm not cute," I reply. "What's your name?"

"James, and you most certainly are cute."

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