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Currently obsessed with Just For Now and Partition... Idk I just keep them on repeat all day.

Also happy birthday to meeee! Guess my age and you get a prize! (Jks I don't have that kind of money #Broke)

Also, thank you to SeeThroughBaby for saying such a nice birthday message to me! Love you so much gurl! xx


Scooter Hwahyang's POV


I wake up with a start, the dream of Mitch and I kissing on New Years too real. It didn't happen like that; Mitch kissed Kirstie, Jeremy wasn't there as he was still at Travis's party and I kissed some random girl named Riley.

The conversation Mitch and I had before the party was definitely real, but reality was starting to get blurry. How drunk did I get that I don't remember what was real and what was part of the dream?

Maybe I so desperately wanted last night to be real that I'm imagining that it happened... Mitch isn't ready, and neither am I for that matter. We won't be ready to come out to everyone for a while.

Speaking of Mitch, I should wake him up. He's currently lying sound asleep next to me, and I should grab him some aspirin or panadol.

I run downstairs and grab two glasses of water and some medication. I slowly walk back up the stairs before placing one glass on the bedside next to Mitch and keeping the other glass for myself.

I exit the room again, starting to get an idea of what I want to cook for breakfast, but what I see stops me in my tracks.

"M-mum?" I ask, a little worried. She looked more than a little bit pissed.

"Scott. My room. Now." She ordered, pointing towards her bedroom. I followed her in, unsure of the lecture I was about to receive.

"So... Mum... Happy new year!" I said, trying to be positive. She eyes me off, taking a careful seat next to me, her legs crossed and her glare firm.

"How could you not tell me that you're gay, in love with your tutor and also fucking him?!" She demands, her tone calm and collected but her words extremely contradicting to it.

"Kirstie..." I groan, knowing she must've played some part in this.

"Nope, I just did a little bit of snooping. Hope you don't mind that I went through your phone. And your nightstand. And the security cameras," she says.

"Um... What exactly did you see on the cameras?" I ask, my tone extremely nervous. Mum doesn't usually get mad, but she may be pissed now.

"Enough to know that I should always knock when you have Mitch over, I mean, for God's sake, at least close your door when you wanna have sex. I don't need to see that kind of stuff!" She complains, falling back onto her bed.

I blink. "Wait, so... You're not mad?" I ask.

"Of course I'm mad, but at the same time, I'm really happy for you." Her expression softens. "Treat him well; you can be the nicest person in the world when you try, and you should try for someone you love."

"I love you, mum," I whisper, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"Love you too, Scottie," she replies, winking and returning the hug.


Bitch's POV (not a typo I just can't be kemekwksnjs to write his name)


"Come and snuggle," I whine, pulling Scott closer to me. He has a weird expression on his face, like something just happened that really affected him. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good, just had a talk with my mum," he replies, crawling under the covers. He moves closer to me, spooning me.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" I say, poking his bicep. He looks at me, interested in what I'm going to say. "Guess what?"

"What?" He replies, rolling his eyes slightly.

"I love you," I say, grinning stupidly. Scott makes me feel so... Happy. The kind of happy that's infectious, the kind that you can only get from one person. Does that make sense? Who cares; nothing really makes sense with Scott and I.

"I love you too, you tiny person," he replies, ticking me. I squeal and try to push his off, smacking him lightly on the arms. He giggles and continues to tickle me, not letting me go.

"I love you more!" I cry between giggles.

"Impossible," he says definitively.

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