It's Almost Christmas, Mitchie!

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Scott How-Does-He-Sing-So-Well Hoying's POV

"It's almost Christmas, Mitchie!" I sing, dancing around Starbucks.

We walked here from Mitch's house to grab some drinks before studying. I barely passed the test, so Miss James decided that continuing Tutoring might be the best thing for me at this point. My mum agreed with her, but was extremely happy that I'd made significant improvements.

"Who let you think that you can call me 'Mitchie' like a puppy or a small child?" Mitch gripes, jabbing a finger into my chest.

I meet his eyes and move my face slowly towards his ear, whispering in a low voice, "I did; what are you going to do about it?"

Mitch bites his lower lip, his pupils starting to dilate. "Not here," he replies, shoving me away with a grin.

I collect our drinks as the barista call out Mitch and I's names. We exit the building, the scent of exotic ground coffee beans and freshly baked muffins swiftly filtering out of our senses.

"Ok, so what will we go over today?" I ask, starting to walk back to Mitch's house.

"Well," Mitch starts, grinning up at me. "Since school ends in 4 days, I thought it best for us to take a break today, maybe watch a movie, eat some pizza... Sound good?"

"Sounds excellent!" I reply, hugging him awkwardly from the side.

We end up walking with my right arm resting over Mitch's shoulders and Mitch's left arm wrapped around my waist. It's a comfortable position for us, Mitch's body shape fitting perfectly into mine.

"I'm so excited for Christmas!" Mitch gasps, giggling quietly. "I've bought, like, so many presents, and I'm not even done yet!"

"I've barely even started!" I reply, laughing at Mitch's soft giggles. "I've only bought your present."

"Oooh! Can you tell me what it is?" Mitch asks excitedly, bouncing up and down like a small child.

"You're acting like someone would act if they were called 'Mitchie'," I tease, poking my tongue out.

Mitch jabs a finger into my side and says, "You're still not allowed to call me that. Can I know what you got me? I'll tell you what I got you!"

"I didn't want anything for Christmas... You didn't have to get me anything!' I tell Mitch, kissing the top of his head softly.

"I know, but I wanted to because I buy presents for all of the people I love," Mitch tells me, pulling my face to his and kissing me gently.

We stand there for a bit, kissing softly, not continuing to walk for fear of Mitch's parents seeing us. Eventually we break apart and continue to walk, this time hand-in-hand.

We release our grip on each other's hands when we're 3 houses away from Mitch's house, deciding that it's a safe distance to part at. Mitch fumbles around in his bag for keys and I stuff my hands into my jeans' pockets, not necessarily wanting the warmth, but wanting something to do with my hands.

"I love you," Mitch whispers as we walk up the driveway.

"I love you more," I reply, poking him playfully.

"I love you the most."

"That's impossible, because I love you the most.""

"Well I love you a billion, gazillion times more than you could ever love me!"

"That's also impossible, because I love you to the power of infinity."

"I hate you."

"No, you love me."


Cute short chapter because why not :):):)

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