Cars and Clothes

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1K special Avriel Kaplan POV

"I need help buying stuff for camp," I tell Mitch, flopping down on his bed.

"Yay, same!" He replies, gracing my ears with his angelically feminine voice. He gasps, realising something. "SHOPPING SPREE!" He squeals happily, jumping up and down.

"I mostly just need warm clothes," I inform him, chuckling dryly at his enthusiasm.

I'm so excited to be sharing a tent with Kevin - so much can happen in the span of one week. I haven't told Mitch yet, a mistake on my behalf, but I think I'm starting to fall for Kevin.

Long ago when Mitch and I were only 15, and by long ago I mean only two years ago, I was experimenting with my sexuality. I dated Mitch, but thought that I didn't really have any attraction to boys based off that relationship. It turns out that I only didn't have feelings for Mitch, because later that year I started crushing on one of the hotter boys in my core class. I didn't want to tell Mitch, for fear that he'd feel offended or something, but now I regret it.

How does one tell their best friend that two years ago they realised they're bisexual and have started liking a guy who doesn't even go to their school? My guess is with much struggle.

"Yo, earth to Avi," Mitch says, clicking his fingers in front of my eyes. It pulls me from my thought and I nod, letting him know that I acknowledge what he said.

"What's up?" I ask, frowning.

"I was just saying that I'm super excited to be sharing a tent with Scottie," Mitch says with a giggle.

"Scottie?" I cock an eyebrow, slinging my arm across the back of Mitch's bed. Mitch gasps and slaps a hand over his mouth as he realises he just used a cute nickname for Scott in front of me.

"Oh god, I don't even call him that when he's around, why did I just call him that?" Mitch panics, his words coming out quickly and jumbled. "Please don't tell him I called him that!"

"Why would I tell him?" I ask, laughing. "Am I not first and foremost your best male friend? Have you placed such little trust in me?"

Mitch shakes his head vigorously and grabs my hand to drag me to my car. I assume he wants to buy mostly items of clothing that aren't for camping, but I'll humour him and join him.

We start to drive down to the nearest good shopping centre, Mitch talking my ears off the entire time.

"When did you realise that you were in love with Kevin?" Mitch suddenly says. It surprises me so much that I slam down on the brakes. Luckily, there are no cars behind or in front of us, so I'm free to randomly stop in the middle of the street.

"W-what?" I choke out, my tongue suddenly feeling too big for my mouth and my brain feeling as if it isn't in my body anymore.

"You heard me - when did you realise that you love Kev?" Mitch asks, not noticing my change of expression, but if he did, he was doing a great job at acting calm and collected.

"I d-don't know what you mean," I mumble, my words getting caught at the back of my throat.

"Ok, let me break it down onto smaller parts for you," Mitch signs. "When did you realise that you want to fuck Kevin so hard that he can't walk for 3 days?"

"That's... not love," I says, clearing my throat. Why does Mitch enjoy talking about such vulgarities?

"Bad example. When did you realise that you want to spend a very long time with Kev, and that time possibly being the rest of your life?" Mitch asks, rolling his eyes.

"I, um... listen, Mitch," I mumble, barely raising my head to face him.

"Avriel, I don't care that you're Bisexual. We weren't compatible - I'm not mad at you or anything. Besides, if we'd worked out then I would've never met Scott," Mitch says, seeing the positive side.

"You don't care that I didn't tell you?" I ask, my voice quiet and deep.

"Oh Honey, of course I care, but I'm willing overlook it. Next time, though, just tell me when you realise something. Believe it or not, I might be able to help you sometime," Mitch says, grabbing my left bicep.

"I'm glad that's over and down with," I exclaim, huffing a rather loud sigh. I continue driving, rounding the corner as we reach our destination. "Ready to go shopping?"


Avi freaking slayed my life in the Christmas Album my poor heart.

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