Camp // Part Two

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Happy late Halloween! I hope y'all had a good time and ate and whole lot of sugary stuff! xx

Scott POV

"My pack is so heavy!" Mitch complains as he slings it over his shoulder. He finished packing all of his stuff in first, so now he's testing whether he can carry it or not.

I lift it from his shoulders and find it to be extremely light. Maybe it's our strength difference.

"Is there anything you can take out of it?" I ask, setting his pack down beside him.

"No, I don't think so," Mitch says. He puts his pack to the side and starts to help me pack mine.


Kirstie POV

"And then she made me clean the ENTIRE house!" Jeremy says with a laugh. He's so funny, intelligent, kind and extremely handsome. He's like the perfect person.

"Damn, she sounds like a great babysitter," I reply, clipping my pack shut.

"Well she seemed good to me when I was 7 years old," he explains, smiling.

"God, is that your bag? You've packed it really shitly," a boy says, make a face of disgust.

"Is that even a word?" I ask him, narrowing my eyes.

"Well it describes your bag, so it must be a word," the boy smirks and turns back to his bag.

"Who gave you the right to be rude to us?" Jeremy asks, standing up as if to intimidate the boy.

"I gave myself the right!" The boy says with a smile. He hums and turns back to his bag again.

Jeremy, who looks seriously confused, asks the boy, "And who might you be?"

The boy turns, obviously annoyed by this question. "You should know who I am - I've literally been in your class for 2 years and I'm sharing your tent with you!"

"Oh... you're Joey?" Jeremy asks, unable to stop asking questions.

"Yes, now for the love of everything that's Holy, fix your bag and stop annoying me!" Joey complains, rolling his eyes.

"You're going to have a shit camp," I whisper to Jeremy.

"I know," he replies, giving me a sad look.


Mitch POV

"Feel this," Scott says, holding up a random piece of clothing from his bag.

"It's a shirt?" I say, questioning what he's saying. I have no idea why he's asking me to feel his shirt. "I know what it feels like..."

"Just go along with it," Scott protests, grinning madly at me. What's he up to? "Feel this - do you know what it is?"

I roll my eyes and feel the material. "No, what is it?" I ask.

"It's boyfriend material," Scott says, winking at me. I roll my eyes and shove the shirt into his bag.

"That was horrible," I say, continuing to pack his things away.

"But you loooooved it," he teases me, poking his tongue out.

He picks something up out of his duffle and his eyes widen. What ever it is makes a crinkling noise, almost like foil, and Scott shoves it into his bag.

"What was that?" I ask, frowning.

"Prescription meds," he says, furrowing his brow. He shoves random things into his bag, not looking at what they are. He mutters something about Kirstie and looks down.

"I'm sure," I say, folding another of his shirts and shoving it into the bag. Scott looks up at me with wide eyes, hoping I didn't see something that I shouldn't have.

I think about Scotts joke. Boyfriend material hit me a little hard... I wish he was my boyfriend. I wish he would tell me that he loves me. I wish he would show any kind of affection towards me.

God, I love that boy more than words can describe.


Scott POV

I don't know why I said that joke. I guess it was me subtly telling him, 'hey... date me'... You know, if there's a subtle way of saying that.

Kirstie walks over to us and places her bag beside mine.

"I just finished packing. Are you both done?" she asks, kneeling beside me.

"Kirstie... A word?" I ask her, narrowing me eyes. She smirks at me and follows me towards the back of the toilet block.

"What's up?" She asks, faking innocence and flashing me a smile.

"Why did you put a pack of condoms and a ring in my bag?" I ask her, rolling my eyes. I place my hand on my hip, striking a sassy pose.

"Oh, there's a simple answer to that; you're sharing a tent with Mitch," she giggles.

"But... what about the ring?" I ask.

"For when you finally confess your love," she says, laughing.

My face drains of colour. Does she expect me to tell Mitch that I love him when I know that he'll reject me?

The thing I fear most is getting rejected by Mitch. I love him too much to hurt him by telling I love him and making him feel guilty for not reciprocating my feelings.

"Do you like Jeremy?" I ask her suddenly. She pales and looks down.

"Why do you ask?" she asks, her voice quiet.

"It's obvious," I say, rolling my eyes once again. "I don't know why I even asked, I mean, I can read your feelings on your face like Mitch reads a book."

"Oh God... Do you think Jeremy knows?" Kirstie groans. She suddenly looks up at me and says, "Wait, how do you know who Jeremy is?"

"He's been my friend since we were 3," I say with a laugh, finding it hilarious how concerned she is.

"What's so funny?" she asks, glaring at me.

"Nothing, I just find it kinda funny how you're so concerned with if he's noticed you like him or not," I say with a smile.

"Hypocrite," Kirstie accuses, smirking.


Alex POV

"Baby..." I murmur, placing my hand on his cheek.

"I can't stand the thought of you sharing a tent with someone else for the week," he whispers, looking down sadly.

"I can make him switch tents with you, I mean, you are sharing a tent with his best friend," I plead, kissing his jaw.

"Baby... Do you think he'll trade?" he asks me, his breath hitching.

I push him against the wall and run my hands down his chest. I kiss along his jaw and down to his neck. I bite and suck, making him moan quietly.

"Alex... There are people around," he whispers, rubbing circles on my chest with his index finger.

"I don't care, Jake," I whisper, kissing his lips softly.


SHORTER CHAPTER THAN LAST TIME, I KNOW! Sorry, but like I don't have time to write 2000 words for every chapter... :D

Ok HFYFGSYLGF hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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