You'd Better Watch It

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Mitch POV

"I'm back!" I announce as I step into the room, closing the door softly behind me. Scott looks up for his phone to meet my eyes and immediately looks back down.

"Alright! You two!" Miss James says, clapping her hands as to rouse our attention. We look up at her, both of our expressions ones of boredom.

"Mitch, you'll be tutoring Scott. Scott, you are expected to attend Mitch's tutoring sessions every day for the first 2 weeks. After that, if I see some considerable progress-"

She's cut short by Scott practically screaming, "you'll stop it?!"

"No," Miss James says, glaring at him, her eyes narrowed into slits. "You'll only have to attend 5 sessions every week. Gradually it will lessen. I expect to agree on a place to study."

"..." Neither of us make any attempt to speak.

"Alright, Mitch's house it is! Thanks so much for suggesting that, Mitch!" Miss James says sarcastically, her expression harsh. I know better than to argue.

"But Miss!" Apparently Scott doesn't know not to argue.

"SCOTT! This is non-arguable. I should've put this in place a long time ago, when you stated to fail. I will be watching you with a hawk-eye, Mr Hoying. You had better attend those sessions, because I will be asking Mitch every day if you attended them. And trust me, Scott, Mitch is more afraid of me than he is of you."

And with that, she stormed out of the room, expecting us to work out where to go from there. I don't have any lesson plans written out... So I guess I'll just write up an exam so I can see how far behind he is?


"Don't fucking talk to me, loser."


Well, this is going to be sufficiently awkward.


Approximately 23.5 minutes later

I spent the rest of the time writing up a small test for Scott to take home with him. I made it extremely easy, so hopefully he won't get too mad at me.

"Scott - I've written up a test for you to do, so I can see how far behind you are," I say with a very definitive, no-arguing-back voice.

"Whatever. Can I leave?" Scott asks, glaring at me.

"Yes - but you had better do that," I say, my voice trembling slightly on the word 'better'.

"Yes, Miss James. Oh - sorry! Forgot you weren't her - you act so similar," Scott says, glaring at me with such contempt that I was confused as to what I had done.

"Bye..." I say, leaving the classroom.

Yep - regret it already.

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