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Ayyyy this is the official 20th chapter (One was an A/N)! Going strong everyone - it'll only get better from here! <3 ILY all!

Scott POV

Today I'm taking the first English test since I started Tutoring. It's only been 2 weeks, but I know that I've definitely learnt a lot.

Hopefully the test won't be that difficult. I want to impress Miss James. Jesus, that's a sentence I never thought I'd hear myself say.


Everyone starts to exit the classroom, but I'm stopped by a voice calling, "Not you, Mr Hoying. I need to speak with you."

I turn and walk towards Miss James. She has a smile on her face so I'm expecting the worst.

"I've already corrected your test," she says, still smiling.

"How did I do?" I ask, wringing my hands. I'm so nervous.

"How did you do? To put it this way - it seems that you've caught up to the year elevens. You're still behind, but significantly less since you started being tutored," she tells me, grinning.

"Wow," is all I can say. I'm genuinely surprised. I guess I've really benefitted from this.

"Yes - wow. I'm very proud of you Mr Hoying," Miss James says, leaning against her desk. "You may leave."

I exit the class with a slightly dazed look on my face. I can't believe it - Mitch has helped me so much. I'll have to thank him some how. I don't know how, but I'll figure something out.


"Hey," Mitch says, opening the door for me to enter. "Why're you so happy?"

"Guess who did an English test today?" I ask him, grinning.

"Well, let's see, I'll have to give that some thought," Mitch says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "How'd you do?"

"I've officially caught up to the year elevens!" I say, excited.

"That's so good!" Mitch says, now as happy as I am. "Celebratory pizza and ice cream!"

Mitch orders a huge margarita pizza and gets out two huge tubs of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream from his freezer. We sit on the couch in front of the TV, watching the spongebob movie and eating. We don't talk, but it's a comforting silence.

"Want me to take your plate into the kitchen?" I ask him, standing up.

"Sure, thanks," Mitch says, beaming at me. He turns back to the TV and I take the dishes into the Kitchen.

I know how I'm going to thank him, but I need a bit of time to think of how I'm going to do it.


Sorry short chapter but the next chapter's going to be super duper long - I promise!

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