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We've reached 300 votes *cries* So here's a special Kirstie chapter :D (yeah, yeah, I know I just did an Avi chapter and this is supposed to be a scomiche fanfic, but let me live out my dreams please. Thank you.)

P.s #Jirstie can't wait for their marriage :)

Kirstie POV

I enter the classroom, my eyes fixed on the floor. I don't want to look up and see Travis staring at me again - he always stares at my butt, and it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.

I spent all of yesterday afternoon with Alex, just talking and watching cute animated Pixar movies. I got to know him better and, something I never thought would happen, I found myself starting to fall for him. By the end of the afternoon I knew him well enough to consider us good friends, and well enough to know that I like him.

We agreed that tonight we would meet up again, but this time we'll watch horror movies. I hate horror movies but Alex is a horror movie enthusiast.

Because of my refusal to look up, I end up walking into someone, making both of us fall to the ground.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there!" I hear the person say, his deep voice gracing my ears. It's warm and low, but at the same time husky and sexy.

"That's ok," I whisper, averting my eyes. What if he wants to hurt me?

"No, it's not. I'm really sorry - I should've been watching," the boy says. I smile - his apology makes me smile because it's extremely sincere and honestly, very cute.

"No, really, it was my fault," I say, finally looking at him.

He has beautiful chocolate brown eyes and dark brown hair, a hint of stubble on his chin. He's a full head taller than me, towering over my tiny body. His white t-shirt accentuates his muscles; not too beefy but still big. In other words, or lack thereof, he's hot.

"What's your name? I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of seeing your beautiful eyes around the school," the boy says, his eyes firmly fixed on mine, not straying down to check out my cleavage or anything.

"I do believe that I could ask you the same thing," I giggle, blushing slightly. He thinks I'm beautiful?

"My name is Jeremy, and it's an absolute pleasure to meet you, gorgeous girl whose name I have yet to learn," Jeremy says, sticking his hand out for a handshake.

I oblige and say, "My name's Kirstin, but everyone calls me Kirstie. Well, everyone being my 4 friends."

Jeremy laughs, placing his hand on his stomach. God, that's endearing. What kind of girl wouldn't want a cute boy who compliments her, is a complete gentleman and holds his stomach whilst he laughs?

"Well, Kirstin," Jeremy says, bowing. "I look forward to seeing you again sometime."

I blush as he walks away and hurriedly make my way to my seat. Mitch looks at me with raised eyebrows, but doesn't comment on the interaction he just witnessed.

My mind is muddled and confused - I thought I liked Alex, but if I liked him, why would I find Jeremy so intriguing?

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